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Am I too light!?!? Day 22


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So I know were not supposed to hop on a scale but I was at the doctors yesterday and I jumped on a scale. Before the clean eating everyday and whole30 expirement I was around 162-163 pound range. I am 5'9.

It's day 22 and I weighed in at 152 flat yesterday. Which means I've lost around 10 pounds in two or three weeks of dieting. But, my concern is ...isn't that TOO light. I mean that just seems really light to me. And I eat TONS of food. I snack and have my 3 meals a day and I'm still losing weight. I am starting to like what I see but I just feel like that's TOO light!! Is something wrong?!?!?



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Nice job Kevin. I am not an expert, and everyone is different. Sounds like you were likely dumping off water weight, if you have been drinking well, and the high-fiber and high quality job is doing it's job. Not to mention, avoiding all the bad things.

I would ask yourself, in your best fitness days, what were your weights? I have am fairly muscular, so my best weight when I was cycling competitively was 163 and I am your same height. My best friend who is a pro cyclist, he is 20 pounds less than you and an inch taller....all relative ;-)

How do you feel?

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Right now, I feel great. I definitely feel that I have leaned out some but your probably right. The bulk of it is probably the excess water weight that is now gone. And maybe not seeing significant true weight loss. I am shooting to do whole30 until my body fat % goes down (enough for ab definition). In highschool (a little while back) I was 180 when I joined wrestling I dropped down to the 152 weightclass from all the exercise in practice.

I'll be honest I should probably be drinking more water than what I do now.

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I'm glad you asked this as I am having similar concerns. It feels a bit odd to worry about too much weight loss, but I do. I'm 5'3. My weight has fluctuated between 115-120 for the past five years. I always said this was the weight I belonged at because I could eat whatever I wanted and maintain the same exercise program without too much fluctuation. I have four kids and am approaching 40. I noticed a little more flab around my belly. My mom has a gluten sensitivity so we decided to give W30 a go. Turns out, I have dairy issues. Who knew? I went to the doc for an exam right after I finished. I was shocked that I was down to 107 lbs. My doc was not concerned. I feel great and eat a ton of food. Still mostly compliant two weeks later. I have had some sugar from chocolate. No soy, dairy or grains. Maybe this is my new normal. I haven't been back on the scale because in the past, a lower number makes my brain think I can pig out on crappy food.

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I completed two weeks ago. Continuing to eat W30 with a few exceptions now and then. I'm a pretty relaxed person. The past few weeks have been filled with stress from every angle. It's empowering to not turn to chocolate cake. I have wanted to on more than one occasion. It just never seems worth it when I give it a 2nd thought.

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If you like what you see, then don't stress it. I'm "heavier" than I should be (125lbs at 5'0), but I'm superbly happy with what I see in the mirror. Lifestyle plays a big role in how our bodies are proportioned (ever notice how folks who work desk jobs tend to carry more weight in their hips/thighs/bums?) - I do CrossFit, with more emphasis on lifting than bodyweight work so I have larger muscles. If you start to feel weaker or become unhappy with your reflection, then take the steps to change that. Otherwise, no worries!

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