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Starting March 21. Anyone else?


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Hi there. Just found the forum and such. I also started on 3/21. Hubby and I are both doing great so far. I am doing all prepping and cooking because he works full time and I stay home with the kids full time! I thought alcohol and dairy would be so hard to give up, but oddly I have missed chewing gum the most! How weird!!! Keep up the good work everyone, I hope you are feeling as great as I am.

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Hi there. Just found the forum and such. I also started on 3/21. Hubby and I are both doing great so far. I am doing all prepping and cooking because he works full time and I stay home with the kids full time! I thought alcohol and dairy would be so hard to give up, but oddly I have missed chewing gum the most! How weird!!! Keep up the good work everyone, I hope you are feeling as great as I am.

This is so inspiring to read! I am doing all the shopping/planning/prepping/cooking for my husband and me, while I stay home with our three daughters, 6,4 and 2. It is a lot to manage but I know I need this. I've been so fatigued and zero libido for a while now that I will try anything to get out of the funk. Day 17 today and I'm feeling kinda blah. But this forum helps! I love getting to interact with those around me taking on the same challenge. No doubt gum has been so hard, omg so unexpected!

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This is so inspiring to read! I am doing all the shopping/planning/prepping/cooking for my husband and me, while I stay home with our three daughters, 6,4 and 2. It is a lot to manage but I know I need this. I've been so fatigued and zero libido for a while now that I will try anything to get out of the funk. Day 17 today and I'm feeling kinda blah. But this forum helps! I love getting to interact with those around me taking on the same challenge. No doubt gum has been so hard, omg so unexpected!



Hang in there, there are quite few different Forums on this site.  Everyone is pulling for everyone else.  I'm on Day 17 also.  I've been surprised I escaped many of the withdrawal symptoms, no headaches, have n't been dying for sugar.  I had a desire for gum because I had a run of dry mouth last week.  I found that keeping some chunks of watermelon in fridge helped.  When the dry mouth didn't seem to be improved by water I'd suck on a watermelon chunk.  It helped.


Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment and I know they will weigh me.  I can't decide if I will look or not.


On to Day 18.

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Day 18 tomorrow! Pretty soon we'll be rounding the corner to the final third at Day 20. Crazy. 


I might be starting to feel tiger blood. The get-to-preschool routine with the kids this morning felt oddly calm and organized.


The other night my husband got into bed and I was overwhelmed by the smell of sugar. He had a pancake in his hand and was trying to keep it out my sight! LOL. I was not tempted but was shocked at how sweet it smelled (it was plain, no syrup).

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I don't know if I've started to feel Tiger Blood yet :/ I've actually been having pretty bad cravings for a latte and chocolate. Yesterday in the break room they had a "chocolate bar" with just about everything chocolate you could think of and it took everything not to go over and grab something. Seeing chocolate and smelling it is really tough right now. I thought I was supposed to be over this stage!

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KassieKay I had a similar experience today... I've been doing great but today I was just hungry.  I was able to avoid temptations, but my tiger blood is running low!   I'm finding I'm eating dried fruit after dinner, not exactly a craving, but I still am eating more than I probably should.  I'd love a little advice from some more experiences Whole30ers!


Breakfast 3 hardboiled eggs, two oranges

Mid morning - banana with almond butter

Lunch - "hash" made out of root veggies with 3 fried eggs

Around 2 pm I was famished - ate a burger with no bun (lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard)

5 pm - went to a dinner meeting where they had pizza (:-(... ate some salad with olive oil on it

8pm - chicken and cauliflower from Whole Foods for dinner (compliant!) and Kombucha, dried apricots and coconut "chips" (only coconut and salt)

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Great job KassieKay! I think unless you are pregnant, nursing or an athlete, you are not supposed to snack...but rather up the volume of your meals, big time. I know it is hard and a bit uncomfortable at first. Also, you need some fat to help tide you over! Add half an avocado to breakfast, lunch and or dinner! I promise it will help. Sometimes I tire of guacamole so I will do a closed handful of cashews as a finish to my meal.

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This has not been hard.  I think I can do this beyond day 30 AND I have even gotten used to the taste of coffee with almond milk.  The thing that I find helpful is to not focus on the things I can't have but on the things I can.  Yesterday I had a shrimp salad with ranch dressing and for dinner I had RIBS.  My husband likes to smoke them for a while and them slow cook them in the oven.  Delicious.  I made the Tangy BBQ sauce in the Whole 30.  It was good, my husband even tried it. I probably eat more fruit than recommended but it beats cookies and candy.


I occasionally get a twinge for chocolate or a glass of wine but I know after Day 30 I could choose to reintroduce them.  I know I have lost weight.  I see on some of the other forums especially the older women one, that people say the weight loss part is hard.  I guess I'll know next week.


Keep chugging along everyone.  And all you Mom's of little kids you are going to teach your kids healthy ways to eat, that is a blessing.


Take Care,



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With about 5 days left (I started on the 20th) I am ready to crack.  I just want a sandwich! Not craving it, particularly, just didn't have time to bring my lunch to work today and a salad does not sound good.


Here's hoping I can make it last to day 30!!  I will say, I feel so much better and I have had some major inflammation problems in the past related to an injury.  That injury site feels SO much better than it did before!  It's why I started this and why I want to finish it.  Then to figure out what foods trigger it. 


Anyone else feeling excited about the reintroduction process?  Can I get an Amen for wanting a piece of bread?!! :-)

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Great job hanging in there SFZag! Yes, day 25 here we are! Do we still have many active members left in our little group?? I am SO fatigued today. No tiger blood here. But it does feel amazing to feel so healthy and so free from cravings. Yay us!!

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we are still here and doing great! feeling so much better all the way around. We both seem to have picked up a stomach bug these last few days, but trying to keep eating to be well. You are so right, no cravings is spectacular...of course, I still wouldn't mind a glass of red wine with dinner now and then...but all else has seemed to go so smoothly. We were not bad eaters in the first place, but this has really helped us fine tune and clean up our act! Good luck to all in the next 4 days! Thanks for all of your input, comments, questions and recipes - it has really helped us move thru this process.  Cheers!

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Sorry I have disappeared and have quit participating in our thread! I have a job interview tomorrow and I have been in the crazy zone preparing for it. I have to do a teaching demo from a topic from Calculus II and I haven't looked at Calculus in years. Plus my aging chemo recovered brain doesn't do as well impromptu, so I over prepare everything...trying to prep for all possible interview questions.

Really want to do well during this interview.

Good news is that I am staying compliant. Some of my meals have been off template and I've skipped a few meals all together, with the expected negative consequences, but I'm happy that it has all been compliant.

Hope everyone is doing great!

I'll get back another day and share my experiences with re-introduction.

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I will be restarting. Thursday night, I received a phone call that had us driving 570 miles to South Caroling so that my daughter could say good bye to her day. They actually weren't sure he would last the night. I did not have time to pack. We stayed with family so my eating was way off. I will post more on my blog.

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I will be restarting. Thursday night, I received a phone call that had us driving 570 miles to South Caroling so that my daughter could say good bye to her day. They actually weren't sure he would last the night. I did not have time to pack. We stayed with family so my eating was way off. I will post more on my blog.

So sorry to hear about her dad.

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I am the type of person that is strong before and during a stressful task, but then I fall apart once it's over. I was incredibly tempted to have pizza last night after my long day of interviewing. BUT I DIDN'T! It was close. This was most I have felt tempted this round. In fact this morning I woke up thinking that I had gone off and was so happy to remember that I stayed strong.

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Since we are approaching the end and thinking about re-introductions I thought I would share my experience from last year when I did a whole60.

I started with wheat. Every time I ate it I would get a runny and itchy nose and start sneezing. Immediately.

Dairy made me feel bloated and a gassy (TMI I know).

Didn't do a reintroduction with legumes.

Sugar. Sugar is where it all went down hill. We went on an Alaskan cruise and there were plenty of options for staying relatively paleo. I had planned. But I started putting sweetener back in my coffee and then had some desserts...and then it got out of control quickly. Right now, the person that I am cannot do sugar in moderation. I tried several times to get back into my version of paleo and kept failing after a few days. Eight months later I was buying donuts at the grocery store and eating two of them just on the drive back to the house.

So I did this round of whole30 and feel so much better without the sugar dragon breathing down my neck.

At this point, I cannot reintroduce the obvious sugary items. I will allow it in things like bacon. Having been through the re-introductions before, I don't really plan to do much this time. I just want to use this whole30 as a jumping point into paleo.

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Right now, the person that I am cannot do sugar in moderation. I tried several times to get back into my version of paleo and kept failing after a few days. Eight months later I was buying donuts at the grocery store and eating two of them just on the drive back to the house.

So I did this round of whole30 and feel so much better without the sugar dragon breathing down my neck.

At this point, I cannot reintroduce the obvious sugary items. I will allow it in things like bacon. Having been through the re-introductions before, I don't really plan to do much this time. I just want to use this whole30 as a jumping point into paleo.

Thank you so much for posting about your experience. And what you went through is exactly how I envision my future if I am not really careful. Sugar too is my downfall, specifically in "healthy, paleo treats." Day 27 and I'm really concerned about reintroducting. I don;t know where/how I will go with it. Chocolate and wine are really the only things I miss!

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Day 28 is done... but I'm leaving on day 32 to travel with family for Passover and I know that could be re-entry directly into the deep end of the pool! :-)  Seriously, other than the family tradition of the best pizza in Pittsburgh one night, the food should be compliant. 


I've already started my Post Whole 30 blog .... "Post Whole30 with less meat".  As someone who was mostly vegetarian (with some seafood and occasional special meals) this has been hard!  Anyone have any suggestions?


Overall, this continues to be a really eye-opening and inspiring experience.  I don't care if I've lost weight to be honest... I've never had a month without cravings and thinking about food all the time.  It's really cool to eat three meals and be honestly, comfortably hungry before them. 


Thanks for the company, too!

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