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stopped my birth control pill, normal side effects?


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Hi all, I've stopped taking my progesterone-only pill in a bid to help my body. However I am feeling weird; sick, hot, dizzy, knackered one minute and fine the next. I'm guessing this is normal whilst my hormones readjust...?

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Sorry you are feeling so bad foursimple words. I hope it passes soon. I also wonder if anyone knows if there is anything to do to ease this transition? I'm planning to go off of mine at some point this year and after being on it for 8 years, I'm pretty scared I might be terrible to be around. I'm betting eating whole30 will help, just wondering if there's anything else we can do I guess.

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I've just ordered some vitamin D3 and evening primrose oil. Unfortunately I lasted a week sans BC pill but I've had to go back on it as I can't take feeling like this for now :( 

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I went off the pill about a year and a half ago and began dealing with a laundry list of symptoms once I stopped - fatigue, joint and muscle pain, terrible cystic acne, constipation, bloating, etc, etc. I had been on it for about ten years and I remember having one of those, "OHMYGODWHATHAVEIDONE" moments on more than one occasion. My ob/gyn recommended that I start taking Evening Primrose Oil, and I also taken Vitamin D3 and a Calcium/Magnesium supplement. (I've also heard that Milk Thistle can be helpful, but I've never taken it and with the other supplements I'm not even sure that I would notice anything at this point!) 


I find that the Evening Primrose Oil really helps, and one thing I SWEAR by is drinking the Natural Calm Anti-Stress drink (link here - but just get the original flavor as the Raspberry Lemon has stevia which isn't Whole30 approved). You can drink it cold or like tea by adding hot water (my personal preference, a nice bedtime ritual!) I think that this really helps to calm my nerves when I am PMSing. Another thing I highly recommend is the Clue app on my iPhone - you can keep track of SO many symptoms, and this way, if you need to go to your ob/gyn to discuss how you're feeling after going off the pill, you at least you have a record for what's happening with your body. 


I find that the Whole30/Paleo style of eating really helps with the joint pain, but my skin still hasn't bounced back yet. Patiently waiting! :) 

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