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I'm on my third day of Whole30 and I've been waking up at around 7am every day (when I would like to sleep until around 9) and feeling panicky as if I need to eat right away. Is it normal to eat minutes within waking up? How can I program my body to wake up relaxed in the morning, take my time, drink my coffee, and enjoy my breakfast rather than eating it fast and not necessarily enjoying it?

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It could be your cortisol is out of whack and your hormones will be off for a while. Cortisol is highest right before you wake in the morning anyway. Reading the timeline really helped me. http://whole30.com/2013/08/revised-timeline/

You will go through so many ups and downs, and feel different things as your body rebalances. Just stick with it. It took a good 3 weeks before I started to feel a shift.

It's good to feel hungry when you wake up. The urgency to eat will go away once the excess sugar is out of your system.

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It's actually good to wake up hungry, although it's not normal to wake up panicky and so starving you're eating too quickly to enjoy the food.


Could you give us a couple of days' worth of food, including approximate portion sizes based on the meal template so we can see if anything really stands out that might help?


In general, are you eating enough? Having at least one serving of starchy vegetable each day (and related, if you are having starchy vegetables, when in the day are you having them -- some people find having a serving of starchy vegetable at their final meal of the day helps them to sleep better)? Salting your food? Drinking plenty of water?


Other than waking up panicky, how is your sleep? If you think something about how you're sleeping is contributing to this, you might check out this article for tips on better sleep.


It's also possible that this will resolve itself on its own, that it's some reaction to starting Whole30. Even though Whole30 is a healthy change, it can be a big change, and change can be stressful. That stress could be affecting you.

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