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Too Much Fruit?

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I'm on Day 15--yay!! Feeling great, no intense cravings, no snaking between meals. I've stepped up my exercise since starting and I find myself eating a fair amount of fruit (plus it's in season).

For instance, here's today:

Breakfast--ground beef burger, salsa, half an orange pepper


Lunch--2 salmon/sweet potato cakes, green salad with Tessamae ranch, nectarine..then...half a cantaloupe with a spoon right out of the peel. 


Part of me feels like I'm just hungrier after working out, but half a cantaloupe is probably too much. Your thoughts? 




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Have a bigger breakfast, including one to three cups of veggies and plenty of fat. Have a post-workout snack of a few bites of lean protein and some starchy vegetables. Then have your lunch. You almost certainly will not then eat half a cantaloupe, because you will have already given your body plenty of fuel.

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