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Lucky 07/11 - Starting My First Whole30 Journey


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Hi Whole30 Community!


My name is Miah and am really excited to give this lifestyle change a try.  I have always had a very dysfunctional relationship with food, and it's gotten much worse since having my two children.  I alternate between coffee and coke zero, vending machine options for lunch at work, and rarely - if ever - drink an ounce of water.  I am consuming so much caffeine that I can't fall asleep until well past mid-night, and then I'm so tired when my alarm goes off at 5:30am, that I repeat the process all over again.  I'm tired of feeling tired, tired of being a bad example of health to my kids, and tired of this mental fog that I live in.  I am so over it.  


To make matters worse, my oldest daughter, Gwen, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes three years ago at the tender age of four, and needless to say it's been life-changing.  I try to cook healthy for us, but "healthy" still contains a lot of pasta, rice, and ice-cream made with splenda.  And I usually just end up cooking enough for them, and hardly eating myself, and then run out to get a coke zero so I can have energy for the night.  I need to make peace with food and learn how to eat properly for myself and for my girls. 


I am already terrified of the withdrawal headaches that will ensue because they can be brutal with the excessive amounts of caffeine I consume.  I am also nervous for all the cooking because I know how tired I'm going to be those first few days.  But as they wrote in the book, I have to look at it one day, one meal, one bite at a time so I don't get overwhelmed.


I really, really need this, and look forward to receiving support, and supporting others, as well.


To our health,



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Hello Miah,

How's it going? I started on July 11th. I've also got two kids and a hubby with type 2 diabetes. Day 3 has been rough, I've had a horrible headache all day. Wanted to give up but thought I would reach out first and see how others are doing.



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Hi Miah,


Sorry to hear that your daughter has T1 diabetes.  Although this video mostly deals with folks with T2 diabetes, there is critical information to be gained for you.  It completely changed how I look at food, in particular sugar and as a former sugar addict it has been critical in eliminating my desire to consume sugar (in addition to years of W30 of course!)


The first link is a Ted talk so about 18 minutes.  The second link is the same woman on the same topic but it’s about 45 minutes long and gets into far more scientific detail….if you are the sort who wants to know how things work.  If you only watch one, watch the Ted talk.





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Hello Miah,

How's it going? I started on July 11th. I've also got two kids and a hubby with type 2 diabetes. Day 3 has been rough, I've had a horrible headache all day. Wanted to give up but thought I would reach out first and see how others are doing.




Headaches are fairly common in the first few days, but a few thing that can make a difference -- be sure you're eating enough, particularly enough fat (it may feel like lots of food, but it's okay, eat up); be sure you're drinking plenty of water (aim for 1/2 oz per pound of body weight, so a 120 lb person needs at least 60 oz); and be sure you're salting your food.


If you want to list a day or two of what you've been eating, including approximate portion sizes, we can take a look and see if you're on the right track.

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