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I'm 61, Starting whole 30 today for first time today.


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I'll be 62 next month, And just discovered this program. I read the book, and the paragraph promising that this will change my life caught me in the throat. I've struggled with weight , Cravings, and sneak eating my whole life. We have participated and succeeded in almost every diet on the market, only to lose control when the diet was over. Years and years of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and hopelessness all wrapped up into my food. I know, right, I have given it a lot of power.

I had never heard the information in the book about how foods work against me, and that there is a physiological response to my choices that mess with my health that I have had no control over. I am beyond excited to have a chance to break the chatter in my head about food. I thought I was making correct choices, but not so with my new information. I am excited to reset my body to function as God intended. I have been playing with this for three days, intending to start on the 15th. BUT I CAN'T WAIT. I START TODAY. I've been practicing letting my supper be the end of my eating day. I can already tell a difference by just eliminating the extra sugar. I am eager for tips, suggestions, or even recipe tips. I cook like a southern girl, so making my own mayonnaise and learning how to create new recipes and sauces will be my biggest challenge, but my husband is on board with me, and I am determined. I have located a healthy meat source, I healthy egg source, and I have plenty of farmers markets around me. Is subscribing to the daily email a good idea for a beginner? I'm thinking probably so.

Whole 30, Change my life.

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WOOHOO! Welcome! I am SO VERY excited for you! It sounds like you and I have a lot in common in how we used to approach food and how it affected us. Breaking that set of bad habits has been a challenge, but I'm so glad I did it, as I feel more in control of my emotions, body, and mental and physical health than ever before in my life.


I subscribed to the daily email, but I've found that the forums are way more helpful than any other online resource. The group I usually post with is the Strength in Numbers feed - a (mostly female) group with varying ages, locations, and experiences. Feel free to read some of our stuff for ideas. Different strokes for different folks, though. :) Whatever helps you make the change. Speaking of which... Whole30 isn't changing your life. YOU are changing your life, using Whole30 as a guide.


Also remember... this isn't a diet. You are making a lifestyle change. It might be hard to imagine this on Day 1, but I can't imagine eating like I did before again. It just seems so wrong and illogical.


Please let me know if I can help in any way!

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yay you!!  Going into your first WH30 with a great attitude like yours will make it so much easier for you.  I'm 66 and started my WH30 in January after the holidays and company left.  Sailed right through until day 27 when I noticed my bedtime tea contained stevia leaf which was a no-no so I restarted and pretty much continued after another 30 days until I took a trip to England.  Had to experience those cream teas and Cornish ice cream!  Now I eat pretty much WH30 all the time with occasional off roads. 


Some things will seem hard at first but after you get in the swing of things, you will wonder why you ever thought that.  For me, I like to find what I like to eat and make sure I have it on hand all the time.  In the beginning, it seemed like I was always in the kitchen either cooking or cleaning up after cooking!  My husband did not do this with me, but since he does much of the cooking, dinners are always WH30 meals for both of us.  I truly appreciate that! 


You mentioned homemade mayo.  It is so easy to make with an immersion blender and is so delicious I will never eat store bought again.  


Your freezer is your friend.  I make Melissa Joulwan's cauliflower soup.  http://meljoulwan.com/2012/10/24/golden-cauliflower-soup/ It is great to make up a batch and freeze some in individual portions for those times when you just don't have enough vegetables to fill your plate.  And it is yummy!  


I also like to make breakfast casseroles to have for quick breakfasts.  Here are two of my favorites:





I could go on and on, but let me just say that I love what WH30 has done for the way I feel.  I do not crave sweets other than the occasional ice cream (my favorite food in the entire world!).  


My next big challenge is that my husband and I will be taking a month and driving cross country in a few weeks.  Travel is the hardest part of maintaining this way of eating for me.  I figure if I can maintain this at least 80% of the time, I will have done good!


Good luck on your journey.  I will follow your journey on this adventure!



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Hi, I am also 61 and started my first Whole30 on July 12. I would love to be a part of your support group and hopefully get support back from you.

I have a crazy sugar and bad carb addiction, have yo-yo'd all my life with different diets and lifestyle changes, but this one feels really different and special.

I wish you well on your journey and hope to see you in the forums often.

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And thank you Linda C for the encouragement and pep you show in your posts! I have made clarified butter, homemade mayo, pesto, and a few other of the dressings/sauces to enhance my whole30 experience. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, so this will be fun!

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And thank you Linda C for the encouragement and pep you show in your posts! I have made clarified butter, homemade mayo, pesto, and a few other of the dressings/sauces to enhance my whole30 experience. I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen, so this will be fun!

Hi Marcy,


Thanks for your kind words!  I have not yet made clarified butter, but I love my homemade mayo and most of the wh30 recipes I have tried.  It is fun.


Right now, I am not doing a whole30 since I finished up the end of April.   I started my first one about January 3rd and got as far as day 27 when I discovered my Yogi bedtime tea had stevia leaf.  So I started again (after a few days off so I could take some cough medicine and not worry about anything) and just continued until I left for a vacation in England in May.  Of course while there I had to have English cream tea and Cornish ice cream but managed to eat pretty compliant while I was there.  I'd say I eat compliant most of the time with the occasional off road.  After I get back from my month long cross country road trip, I will go right back to do another WH30 to reset myself.  At my age, I know I need to do the best I can for my health (which is pretty good) but I am not going to beat myself up over the occasional treat.  It will not be too hard to eat this way most of the time because I know I feel so much better when I do.  


Let me know how your WH30 is going.  Are you feeling good?  Do you find yourself in the kitchen doing more meal prep and cleaning than you did previously?  I sure did!  My husband doesn't do this so at lunch I would be cleaning the pan after he used it (butter) so I could then use it for my lunch!  Not a problem though.  He cooks most dinners and makes them wh30 compliant.  I hope you have some support too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Linda for the casserole recipes.... I love them.   Am eating the very last serving of my first casserole as we speak... (type)....  :)

I'm doing very well, am in the middle of my third week and am amazed how my body is responding to this food plan.  I am struggling only with the cooking of nutritious meals....  something I'd gotten away from as my children grew and left home.  My husband and I both have grabbed or gone out to eat so much the last few years... all this kitchen time is very very different...  but I'm amazed how food has changed for me.  We said last night as we were cleaning up the kitchen how different it was to eat for nutrition instead of for shear fun.  It's different.  NOTHING is better than the way my body is feeling now though.....  I'm able to go up and down steps both feet at a time....  I'm able to bend my knees to push out of the bathtub....  which hasn't been for soooo long.  My fingers make a fist and I can't remember when that happened.  I'M thrilled with these changes and will probably continue to eat this way until my body fat has stabilized to a correct place.  I've got weight to lose, but the pain being gone makes it so much more motivating to take care of the weight.    Thanks again for all the encouraging words.!!!! 


Marcy1212.... would love to dialogue with you and see how your doing.....

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Hello all, I'm still going strong with this Whole30 thing, cooking (and cleaning up, lol) a LOT. At least spending time doing that I'm not binge-, stress-, or emotional-eating. I am finding that my cravings for sweets and bad carbs has lessened quite a bit, my energy level is coming up, and I amsleeping so much better. Not sure if the sleep thing is due to me taking early retirement at about the same time I started the Whole30 and not stressing about work or whether it is Whole30 related or not, but, either way, I'm good.

I hope to stay strong after I complete this and do the re-introduction phase. It will be interesting.

Stay motivated, stay strong, and stay focused. We've got this!!!


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Well I restarted today.  I had originally started on July 18th and I did so wonderfully for the first 5 days.  Until the dreaded weekend.  I blew it and I mean blew it.  I have felt horrible all week because I thought I might as well just go back to doing Atkins but then I remembered how great I felt around day 4 of the W30 program so I am back at it again today.  


I am really tired because last night I drank 3 light beers with dinner and woke up miserable today.  But I am not hungry.  This morning I had paleo safe sugar free bacon (I found at sprouts.. yeah) 3 eggs, a cucumber and my gingerade kombucha.  For lunch I am having a huge salad and some chicken breast.  I have a chuck roast with onions, celery and small red potatoes for dinner.


The hardest part for me is the alcohol.  My husband and I drink usually every night after work so it is a tough habit to break.  But I know I can do it, I lasted 5 days last week and after the 4th day it seemed easy. The great thing about this program is everyone is so uplifting and forgiving!  We are all human and I get it we all make mistakes.  But I want to prove to myself that I can do this for 30 days..... and hopefully even longer!  So heres to starting over...

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Well I restarted today.  I had originally started on July 18th and I did so wonderfully for the first 5 days.  Until the dreaded weekend.  I blew it and I mean blew it.  I have felt horrible all week because I thought I might as well just go back to doing Atkins but then I remembered how great I felt around day 4 of the W30 program so I am back at it again today.  


I am really tired because last night I drank 3 light beers with dinner and woke up miserable today.  But I am not hungry.  This morning I had paleo safe sugar free bacon (I found at sprouts.. yeah) 3 eggs, a cucumber and my gingerade kombucha.  For lunch I am having a huge salad and some chicken breast.  I have a chuck roast with onions, celery and small red potatoes for dinner.


The hardest part for me is the alcohol.  My husband and I drink usually every night after work so it is a tough habit to break.  But I know I can do it, I lasted 5 days last week and after the 4th day it seemed easy. The great thing about this program is everyone is so uplifting and forgiving!  We are all human and I get it we all make mistakes.  But I want to prove to myself that I can do this for 30 days..... and hopefully even longer!  So heres to starting over...

You can do this! I thought no wine at night would be too difficult, but it was easier than I thought after the first week.  I slept better and felt better too.  

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Hi all,


Well I thought I would check in.  Marci1212 and Jensengkj I am happy you are both doing well and enjoying your journey.  I must admit I have not done as well as I had planned in the past month.  Still eating WH30 about 75% of the time but the off roads are ice cream and wine and cheese!  A few weekends away and a weekend of company didn't help.  Some friends and I go to NH for a long weekend each June and always eat breakfast at Polly's Pancake Parlour.  Yes, I did indulge in the pancakes each morning.  Three small along with eggs and bacon--yum!  I never have eaten pancakes unless I am there!


And tomorrow I leave for our month long cross country trip.  Which means after the first few days of food I'm bringing run out, I'll be eating out all the time.  I think I can still manage to eat fairly decently but I look forward to starting another round of pure wh30 when I get back.  Not that I'm trying to rush my trip!!!


Keep me updated, I am looking forward to hearing about your continued successes!



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