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Saying HI for the first time on DAY 8


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Hello! My name is Jess, I have successfully made it to day 8 of my first W30; so far so good! A few years back I really got into shape and lost over 20 pounds; I was never overweight I'd say...but as my dad said I was "definitely a big girl." Thanks, Dad.  No but in all seriousness, I was 208 pounds yet I am 6'4'' so easily concealed.  I went from a size 15 to a size 8. During winter this year, like most, I divulged in one too many holiday treats as I do every year but, for whatever reason this year I could not kick the sugar demon in my mind! I've definitely put some weight back on which of course I am not happy about.  I have always exercised regularly; I get to the gym 4-5 days a week for 2 hours and when I am not at the gym I am at work running around like a mad women.  Needless to say, I am always active and have always had the energy to be.


In the past few months I can feel my body telling me I NEED to do something.  I have felt lethargic nearly everyday, I don't sleep well, I'm moody...I'm just not myself.  The one thing I learned on my path to clean eating and living a healthy lifestyle is to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. I remember following an acquaintance of mine on Instagram while he and his wife did Whole30 so...I did a little research.  This program is exactly what I have been looking for; A RESET.


So, 9 days ago I looked at my boyfriend as we were driving home and I asked if we could see if Coldstone was still open; I indulged one last time. While eating my icecream though, I suddenly felt sick...I didn't want to finish it. I, the sweet tooth icecream queen, did not want to finish her icecream. I knew I was ready to commit.  


Here I am 8 days later...I made it through last week somehow; all I wanted to do was sleep BUT I pushed through.  I'm feeling much better today, I love exploring new recipes and prepping meals and cooking. 


The one thing I thought I'd miss; vanilla yogurt, vanilla granola.  My absolute favorite.  I have literally eaten yogurt, granola, raspberries and blueberries for about 96% of my breakfasts over the past 2 years.  I have found a substitute for the days that I am feeling I need something eggless....mashed banana mixed with coconut milk and cinnamon mixed with almonds, walnuts, cashews and brazil nuts (that I mashed in the blender) topped with blueberries and unsweetened coconut flakes.  I don't think I'll go back to yogurt after discovering this!


Anyway, any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I look forward to being a member of the Whole30 community and to becoming a Whole30 graduate! 



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The one thing I thought I'd miss; vanilla yogurt, vanilla granola.  My absolute favorite.  I have literally eaten yogurt, granola, raspberries and blueberries for about 96% of my breakfasts over the past 2 years.  I have found a substitute for the days that I am feeling I need something eggless....mashed banana mixed with coconut milk and cinnamon mixed with almonds, walnuts, cashews and brazil nuts (that I mashed in the blender) topped with blueberries and unsweetened coconut flakes.  I don't think I'll go back to yogurt after discovering this!



Tip or Suggestion Ahead!


This is not an appropriate first meal on Whole30, sorry. In order to make the best results and to eliminate sugar cravings/psychological attachments to foods, it would be a boon for you to embrace the recommendations in the meal template. Protein, veggies and fat at every meal including the first one.  Doesn't have to be eggs, try chicken burgers, meatloaf, meatballs, steak, roast beef, pork chop.  Literally anything besides a fruit-heavy, nutty concoction that is meant to replicate your old, sweet and carby breakfast meal.


Why? Because all that fruit in the morning is going to set you up for false hunger, later day cravings, erratic blood sugar and will keep any sugar-lovin'-dragon alive and well.  Also, that much nut product is not a good balance for fats and can cause digestive distress when overeaten.  Nuts are recommended as occassional.  Think: 1 closed handful every other day at most.

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