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Good morning Day 6!  Feeling pretty good this morning.  So curious about my weight status, but I WILL NOT take out that scale...


Not sleeping terribly well, though, and am surprised, but perhaps it has more to do with the altitude here.  Waking up in the middle of the night feeling wide awake!  Hard to get back to sleep.  Anybody else?


Today is housecleaning, laundry, errand day.  Boring but necessary!


Making some progress on thinking ahead to the day's meals, and making sure that I have things on hand that are good choices so that I don't get tempted to grab the wrong thing.  Proud of myself!


Have a great day, everyone... we are well on our way!

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fastd, I am the same way! Dried fruit is like candy for me, especially because it seems "healthy" enough to eat a lot of. Good job removing that temptation!

Thanks for your advice on fresh fruit. I'm currently cutting back on it & so far, so good. 


CeeGeeBee, the temptation to weigh is real for me, too. I have experienced the same sleeping habits! I thought it was the time change, but after seeing your experience, it might be from the Whole30. I wake up at the same time, wide awake. It's crazy.


NSV: People have been telling me I look "healthier". I'm not sure what exactly that means, but I'll take it haha.


Also, I found this recipe for an amazing, mayo-free, egg salad. It's my new favorite thing: http://pin.it/kHfohM4


Here we go, Day 6. Have a great day, everyone!

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Is anyone else trying to make more than one big change during their Whole30? Yesterday the Whole30 team re-posted an interesting article about what can happen when you try and do that.

Except for my first one, I now always do the Whole30 with a linked goal in mind. For example, this time around I am doing it so that I have the energy, focus and calm to be really productive at work. What I was reading about yesterday was, if I see the Whole30 and being productive at work as two distinct goals, one goal may end up undermining the other. But, if I see them as linked, I will have more success. As a total perfectionist who tries to take on way to much at once, I found this really interesting --- and true.

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fastd, not "exactly". However, I'm kinda just revamping my life because of this: working out regularly, drinking more water, etc. I'm starting to just feel *healthy*, so it encourages me to take up other healthy habits.


I read the same article. I think you're right, if your goals are linked, you'll be more successful. 


Happy Day 7, all! After today, we will have made it through week 1! 

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Good morning, Day 8!  Looks like a beautiful beginning in Colorado.  Today begins my golf tournament (3-day) and I'm very excited.  Feeling strong with a week's worth of Whole30 living in my corner.  Need to remember to bring an Rx bar on the course for the half-way point of the round.


Hope you all are doing well.  I'm feeling that my carb/sugar cravings have really calmed down... that stuff just doesn't look good anymore. Bring on the veggies!


Enjoy the day, stay strong!

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Yes, day 8! My focus for the next week is on trying to eat three balanced meals a day. It sounds simple, but when I'm busy I find myself relying on "snack meals" that are compliant but not ideal.

Anyone have any great recipes or meals that they have been relying on over and over again, already? I love getting new ideas!

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Hey everybody *waves

This week has been hectic, work wise with little to no time for the forum. I learnt a few things this week though.

Firstly I can not eat out, it's too much pressure takes an hour to figure out what I'm eating. And I spend the entire meal doubting the meal is compliant coz I haven't made it. So it's just a no for me.

Secondly, I can go out till 3 am have a good time dancing and drinking water. I can simply say happy birthday to a colleague without having a fat slice of cake. Who knew?

I haven't noticed a difference but my boyfriend says my body is getting tighter. It's keeping me going.

Also, what is everyone having for their pre and post meals?

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Hello Day 9!  Great day today.  Hope you are all doing well and feeling great.


Lebo, I am eating tuna and some cashews for my pre-workout (I buy those foil pouches of single-serve albacore tuna), and then some veggies and an egg for post.


Funny... last night I dreamed that I CHEATED on the plan, ate something very noncompliant and almost didn't realize it until it was halfway down... what a NIGHTMARE!  Pretty funny that sticking to the rules must be embedded even in my un-consciousness.


Played a great round of golf today in perfect Rocky Mountain weather.  So exciting, shot my lowest score EVER -- 80!


Going tonight to hear the NY Philharmonic play Wagner's Valkyrie Finale outdoors at the Gerry Ford Amphitheater in Vail... should be magnificent.


Be strong everyone!

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Day 10 - one third of the way through! Way to go, everyone. 


So, I don't actually do pre- and post-workout snacks consistently - should I be!? It's great this came up, because I've actually been feeling a lot hungrier during this Whole30 than during my past ones, and I'd been wondering if I should add in those pre- and post-workout mini meals instead of doing some late night snacking, which I am prone to. The thing is, I almost always work out right before meal time, so I usually just have lunch or dinner after. If I'm really hungry before hand, I sometimes have a small handful of nuts. 


Any advice? My workout routine at the moment consists of spinning classes, power yoga, strength-cardio interval training and the occasional hike. I try and workout 5-6 days a week. I would say the intensity I work out with is moderate, though!  

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Day 11 and counting!  Rest day today after the golf tournament.  Four loads of laundry, change the bedsheets, grocery shop.  Well, sort of resting.


Watching the final round of the PGA Championship at Baltusrol.  Man, those guys are good.


Feeling like I'm in the groove with meals and choices, feeling strong and committed.  Having some gastric issues that I think might be related to almonds... will try to avoid them going forward.


Good luck to all, enjoy the last day of the weekend, onward tomorrow to day 12!

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Hey everybody  :) Its day 13


I can't believe I have not smoked in 13 days! Is/Was anyone a smoker?


I am feeling super tired today and generally weak.


Hope everyone is feeling great.

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Hooray for lucky Day 13! Nearing the halfway point, and very excited. I'm in Boulder for a couple of days, what a beautiful place.

Wow, Lebo, good for you to quit smoking in your health quest. I've never smoked, but know it can be a tenacious habit, tough to kick. Good for you, keep going strong.

I'm feeling good about my eating, really mindful of compliance and doing fine so far. Energy levels are lagging a bit; feeling a bit low-effort in the mornings. Trying to keep hydrated and make sure I get plenty of protein and good fats along with my millions of veggies.

Can feel a lot of change this past week in the way my clothes fit and the "fitness" of my body, seem to be losing some of the excess, which is great. Eager to weigh myself at Day 30, trying to be patient! I know it's not about the number, it's how you feel and function.

Hang in there everyone!

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Day 10 - one third of the way through! Way to go, everyone. 


So, I don't actually do pre- and post-workout snacks consistently - should I be!? It's great this came up, because I've actually been feeling a lot hungrier during this Whole30 than during my past ones, and I'd been wondering if I should add in those pre- and post-workout mini meals instead of doing some late night snacking, which I am prone to. The thing is, I almost always work out right before meal time, so I usually just have lunch or dinner after. If I'm really hungry before hand, I sometimes have a small handful of nuts. 


Any advice? My workout routine at the moment consists of spinning classes, power yoga, strength-cardio interval training and the occasional hike. I try and workout 5-6 days a week. I would say the intensity I work out with is moderate, though!  


Sorry no one answered this before -- just a note, if you have very specific questions about something, like if you can have something, or if your meals look right, or if you should be eating more or less or including pre- or post-workout snacks, if no one replies in the group thread here, go and start a new discussion in whatever part of the forum seems appropriate. Troubleshooting is a good catch-all, or if questions deal specifically with working out, there's the Whole30 for Athletes section (you don't have to be an athlete to post there, it's just a good section for workout-related stuff).


If you're hungry, you need to eat.  Here's an article that explains more about what to eat post-WO and why. I'd suggest trying it for a week or two and see if it makes a difference. I'd think it would be especially important on days when you're doing strength training, and possibly on power yoga days since that's going to involve a lot of muscle work as well, and part of the point of post-WO is to aid in muscle repair.


As for being hungrier this time around than during your last W30, another thing to remember is that we are not static beings. You may need more food this time just because you need more food at this moment in your life. It's okay to eat when you're hungry. I'd suggest adding in pre- and post-WO meals on days you work out, and if needed increasing the size of the meals you're eating, but not eating late at night unless you are truly so hungry that the hunger would keep you from being able to sleep -- and if you do need to eat then or any time between meals, be sure you're having a mini-meal of protein, fat, and vegetables, and don't just stand at the fridge and eat (I say this because I've done this, not saying you do this, but it's not a good way to do it, it's really easy to overeat and eat past the point of not being hungry anymore). Put it on a plate and sit down and eat mindfully. This should help you consider whether you're really hungry, or eating out of habit because you just always eat late at night.


It may sound weird, but being sure you eat a good breakfast within an hour of waking up will actually help with the late night snacking, so if your breakfasts are inconsistent or on the small side, work on eating them consistently every day and making them match the meal template.

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Thank you SO much ShannonM816! That is such a helpful and comprehensive answer. I'll give everything you suggested a try .

Great job everyone!

As for me, despite a big effort to stay on plan at a work event last night, I'm 99% sure I ate something that had a tiny bit of cheese in it. I asked about a marinade, the staff said it didn't have dairy in it, but it did. I've actually had this happen before with cheese - sometimes a waiter or staff may not know what's actually in something. When this happens, I think to myself, maybe it's easier to just make all of your own meals, if you want to be really sure!

So, technically I'm back at Day 1. Waaaah! I'm off on holiday on the 19th, so I won't be able to just add the days. However, I'm going to finish out the next 15 staying totally compliant, and then do the big group Whole30 in September.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So here we are, DAY 30 of Whole30.  What an interesting trip it's been.  Can't believe it's coming to an end, or at least coming to the re-entry point.  It has been wonderful.  I feel and look so much better.  Eager to weigh myself tomorrow to see what the number is after 30 days, but I know my clothes fit better and I'm fitter than before.  Congrats to all who have made it, and to those who are on their way.


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