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Captain's Log. Stardate 2016.08.14


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This is my first Whole 30 and I am halfway through day 6. So far, I have not had any severe cravings. Yesterday, on my way to therapy I smelled some really good pizza, which is probably why I had a very graphic dream about pizza. (And my sisters bf made homemade pizza after midnight.)

Luckily, I woke up right before I took that first bite. Other than that, things have gone surprisingly well. I haven't been this compliant on an eating plan or lifestyle change ever. I can't help but wonder how much money I am saving  because I was the queen of eating out this summer.  Actually, I eat out all year long. Go figure, because not only am I a good cook, I actually enjoy it.  Except the cleaning up part. The one thing that I am struggling with the most is staying off of the scale.


Years ago, when I was on some weight loss kick or other, there were message boards and I called myself a scale ho, because I weighed in every day. Pretty soon, we had a challenge group called the scale hos. (hoes?) Yep. I am the coiner of that particular phrase. Now, I am banned from my most beloved and most hated appliance. I put it in my walk in closet, but not very far. I can still see it if I stretch hard enough. And there are times when I feel so light that I just want to get on it. Of course I know that only 5.5 days cannot have had a significant effect on my weight and that this light feeling is probably energy or my cells regenerating out of something besides processed foodstuffs, but I still want to get on it. I am going to give it to my sister to hide for me. Non-scale victories will have to do for me for a while.  

Speaking of non-scale victories, I think my skin is looking better, but I am not completely sure. Wait. Let me rub my face....hmmm....it doesn't feel as dry as it usually does. It doesn't even feel as dry as it did this morning. That's probably because I haven't been this well hydrated since I was en-utero. Water, water, water...and then some more water. Mmmmm good! Actually it is.


I am so glad that I gave up soda well before this endeavor. I mean, I still drink (drank?) the occassional one, but only if someone else bought it or I was out of the house. I never brought any home because that would be bad. (My cousin recently told me that she is down to one to one 2 liter soda a day. I thought my head would spin off, but when I think about it, that's about what I used to drink a few years ago. But never 3 and 4, like her. Whoo, child!) Other non-scale victories...hmm...ok, this is probably the longest that I have gone without processed sugar since I was taken off of (or maybe that's put on) baby formula. I have eaten breakfast for 6 days in a row. Now, that is a victory. I am not much of a breakfast eater and to even get me interested there needed to be bread or sugar or both...or bacon or grits. I embrace my southern roots with my love of grits even though I was born and have always lived well north of the Mason-Dixon line.


Here's to those of us who eat a healthy W30 compliant breakfast, whether we want to or not.

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It's day 12 and I had to venture out today and eat. That wasn't so bad. The mall was atrocious. So much food. Things that I would normally just pick up without a second thought. Some things I would still pick up after a second thought. Auntie Anne's nearly brought me to my knees. Wave after wave of sweet bread scent. I literally almost hit the floor. Tomorrow I have a wedding and hope I can maintain but I don't care what Melissa and Dallas say, today was hard.

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Day 15. Halfway there. Or at least I will be tonight. Day 14 was my hardest day so far. I just wanted to give in and eat something delicious. Something with sugar or bread. I think maintaining at the wedding but watching everyone else eat crab cakes and pizza and sorbet, etc weakened me. But I held on. I'm holding on. Today in making Jeju Island shrimp and buffalo drumsticks  (not together though). If one of those is not delicious, I may have a problem maintaining. I'll also whip up some ranch dressing to go with the chicken. My ability to stay off the scale is also being tested. After the first few days, I felt lighter but now, I just feel regular and deprived. And I'm so curious. I don't think I've ever delayed my own gratification for so long in anything.

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