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Bad doctor visit


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This is probably mostly a rant but I had a dr. Visit yesterday to discuss some repeat blood work. Some of my numbers were better but she's absolutely certain I have metabolic syndrome. I'm having issues with my heart(on 2 meds) I'm pre-diabetic, I have fatty liver, I have gout, in fact I'm having a flare today which is frustrating since I've been drinking so much water since I started this 30. I think 19 it just feel so frustrating. My doctor doesn't understand whole30 and is pushing a diet called ideal protein which she views as the only treatment for metabolic syndrome as a whole. I am going to finish the whole30 but I am just feeling defeated. Any input or advice? Successes with similar?

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What she's describing is not ideal.   I don't believe I've heard of a medical dr. Rx-ing the IP powder for anyone with pre-diabetes or diabetes.

I've been around the dieting merry-go-round playground for awhile.  IP weight loss method,  here's the quick skinny on it.  You use 3 IP packets per day.  You can eat unlimited lettuce and add some vegetables.  At dinner, you can add a chicken breast.  That's phase one.

Then Phase 2 until your weight loss goal is achieved.  Phase 3 is a reintro  of carbs and fats in the morning only.  Phase 4 is Maintenance.

This sounds good on paper but there is nothing here that's going to lower your blood sugar without losing your overall health and nutritional well-being.

High blood sugar isn't just a problem for diabetics.  When blood sugar levels are high the body goes into a fat storage mode.  It converts all extra sugars into unhealthy belly fat that  brews its own set of counterproductive hormones that only add more fuel to the fire.

When you lower your blood sugar with whole foods like I've done over the past two years, the body goes into a fat burning mode that turns the unhealthy belly fat into pure energy.

And guess what, whole foods lower your blood sugar, boost your metabolism and burn the unhealthy fat in the belly and around all of the vital organs.

You can't get there with protein drinks that are created in a lab and manufactured in a plant.  They are denatured proteins.  It's alot like eating plastic fish.  

If you want the real deal, you're going to have to do the real work.  It's not fast or quick. But if you stick with it over the long haul,  1-3 years, the results will be lasting.

Blood sugar problems don't happen overnight.  They're cumulative and the result of genetics and constant dieting and food hacking.  So forget the quick fix. It's not ideal.

Do you know how many people rebound with every single pound and then some after these liquid diet replacements....almost all of them. Then they're really in a cortisol/blood sugar deep hole.



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When you have pre-diabetes or T1 or T2, it's not something you remedy on a hit or miss basis.  A one time diet does not fix it. 

The alcoholic has to give up alcohol.. like for real. The diabetic has to give up sugars...like for real.  If I returned to my former way of eating, all of that mess would show right back up on my doorstep.  

This is why food rewards and treats don't work for me and sugars here a little or there a little.  It doesn't matter what I've done, it only matters what I continue to do to keep full blown diabetes away.  I have to stay consistent to keep my blood sugar on an even keel. 

There's nothing that protein powder drinks can do for me.  They're not even a temporary bandaid. Insulin excursions are the number of times during the day that you signal your pancreas to make insulin.

Each insulin excursion is a hammer delivering blow after blow to your cells.  Insulin cues hunger hormones in the gut.  You cannot win this battle with protein drinks. It's going to take whole food proteins and real plant fiber....every single day.  Not bars or powders.  

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I'd seek out a different Doctor honestly. One that pushes laboratory crap instead of addressing diet first isn't one I'd like. I had one doc try to prescribe statins before realizing I was breastfeeding and then he told me how to help my cholesterol which I wish he'd have addressed first. I have LADA (type 1.5 diabetes) and before I started my whole30, I asked my current doctor what she thought about it. Her complaint was it is a lot of work, especially for a mom with an infant and toddler but she didn't disapprove of it. And it has been a lot of work, but once I got in the groove I was fine. And my blood sugar is lower than its been in a while. I haven't been taking meds (neither my a1c nor my random sugar checks warrant it) and this is done solely by diet. 

Ive been fortunate in that most of my doctors have been on board with approaching my diabetes diet first and meds second. Since my diabetes is autoimmune by definition, I know eventually I'll need to go back on insulin (like I was when i was pregnant both times) but if I can stay healthy by diet first and then go to insulin second, it'll save money and sanity. 

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I agree about the IP. Real food is better. I do actually like my doctor and it's a small town. She has probably the most open mind. She wants to see me monthly to keep a check on my health/weight. I'm sticking with whole30 at least through reintros and likely much beyond. I'm hoping that my results will be proof to her that whole30 is a good option. I think she sees it as a quick 30 day fix

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