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How bad does it get?!

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I'm on day 3 of first-time Paleo diet and I was feeling great-until today. I got up and started crying for no reason. Then I just felt overwhelmed, followed by the shakes and an upset stomach. I went back to bed and got up several hours later, but at least I feel better. My husband is still in bed with a migraine.  The kids seem ok so far.  Is this normal?  Is this the worst of it or can I expect more later?

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Hi @moviegirl - The emotion part is pretty normal. Have you seen the timeline? Right around now most people go through a period of high emotion. Usually anger, agitation etc but also sad. Because you aren't getting the hits of sugar and your old comfort foods you might've used previously to "help" with your emotions. Make sure you're eating at least a fist sized serving of starchy veggie each day and drink lots of water.

As far as the shakes, I suspect you aren't eating enough. You can post your last few days of eating and we can take a look? Include portion sizes, specific veggies and fats etc. Also exercise, stress, anything relevant like pregnant, breastfeeding, autoimmune etc. This will help us figure out if your upset stomach is caused by anything specific also. Nuts, raw veggies, cruciferous veggies, larger than normal amounts of coconut/avocado/eggs - basically anything you aren't used to, can cause upset stomach. Let us know what "upset" means too. Bloated? Diarrhea? Pain? Nausea? Constipated?

Finally, sorry for the delay, teh forum has some serious bugs right now! Please tag me in your response so that I can come back here and help you. 

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