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Kosher products

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I'm starting my first whole30 in a couple of weeks and I'm working on stocking my pantry and freezer. Anyone here keep strictly kosher and have product recommendations for me? I'm specifically looking for ghee and mayo, but would appreciate any recommendations for kosher whole30 products. I know I can make my own ghee and mayo but I work very full time so I'm willing to spend a little money on shortcut products. While I'm at it, any general advice for strictly kosher whole30 followers would be awesome! :) Thanks!! 

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Hey there & welcome to Whole30 :)

I'm in the UK and not familiar with kosher products but if you google 'whole30 kosher' you should come up with some links to previous discussions, and I believe there are also a few blogs. As far as the blogs go, just check that any recipes are fully compliant as these will be unofficial sites and as with instagram & pinterest accounts you may find that many claim to be compliant but aren't...

Hope this helps!

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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be really easy to make a Whole30 kosher simply by not using ghee since that's made from butter and it's the only dairy allowed on Whole30. 

I know you're willing to spend money on shortcuts like a pre-made mayo, but if you have an immersion blender and a mason jar it is incredibly easy to make your own mayo. That said, Tessemae's mayo is kosher. http://www.tessemaes.com/products/mayonnaise

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A quick google search shows that Organic Valley makes a kosher ghee. 

I guess I'm just trying to understand how using ghee in the context of a kosher Whole30 would work since anything prepared with the ghee (I'm assuming that would be the veg) couldn't be eaten at the same time as the protein...unless you limit your use of the ghee to when you're having eggs or fish as your protein? I hope that I'm not coming across as rude or insensitive; that's not my intention at all. I'm interested now in how to make that work.

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