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Day 6- need some motivation


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Hey everyone! I am on day 6 of my first whole30 here. Thankfully I have only had negative symptoms on Day 2 and man was that headache rough!! I made it through the weekend feeling good. I'm 21 so I brought along some La Croix while we went out to the bars. The whole30 has already improved my cooking skills and meal prep is a necessity. I started this with a coworker who had made it three weeks in to her program and cheated so she restarted. This weekend she completely fell off the wagon again so now I feel like I have no support. My boyfriend constantly complains about how he doesn't feel good physically and I've tried to get him to join me but I can't make him, he has to commit himself. So now I'm feeling like I'm doing this crazy thing alone with no support or anyone to hold me accountable.

I'm lucky to not have any negative symptoms but that concerns me that maybe I'm not doing something right! I always check my labels and have not had a single slip up. The grocery bill sure is a lot higher I'll say! But overall I'm feeling so good about the choice I've made for my body and my mind! Just want to share my experience and get some help from others going through the same things!

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Hello, and welcome! You came to the right place :) There are a ton of really nice and supportive people on here who are awesome about answering questions, providing insight and/or just validating what you are posting.

I just started Day 7 of my first Whole30, so not too far off. I am still getting headaches occasionally, but in general feel really good. I totally understand about feeling like you are doing this thing alone - my friends/family/coworkers who know what I am doing have been great... it's just different when no one is "on plan" with you! I think your instinct not to push your boyfriend is a good one - this is NOT the kind of thing that someone can do for someone else - it really does have to be something that you internalize and want for yourself.

Congratulations on making the leap and for fighting through the challenging days. You got this!!

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I'm sure everyone has a different experience on a Whole30, and from what I've read, a lot of people have different symptoms each time they do a Whole30, so don't feel like something's wrong because you're not feeling any negative symptoms. I'm on day 13, and other than some sleepiness during my first week, I haven't really had any physical struggles, either (or mental/emotional, come to think of it).

Awesome job staying on-plan at the bars! That would be a big hurdle for me. Figuring out how to juggle social situations and health is a major part of Whole30, and life beyond.

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Alright so it's the morning of Day 7. Feeling pretty good today. I have a huge midterm due this weekend and I'm not looking forward to the dreaded days 10-11 that are coming soon. I have yet to have any bad symptoms other than just a general malaise. I'm getting used to the coffee with almond milk and no sugar. I've been cooking and eating leftovers a lot and have been trying out new recipes. I have a delicious short ribs recipe that I'm looking forward to cooking this weekend. 

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