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Spouse not supportive of Whole 30 efforts


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My husband was Gung ho about doing this program with me. But I'm now on day 19, and he's expressed how tired he is of eating the same thing over and over. Which makes me angry, because this last week I've gone over and beyond, scouring Pinterest and the Internet for family friendly/husband friendly Whole 30 meals. And I've found some darn good ones. I'm blaming his food preferences on his mom's cooking growing up. She would cook so many foods over and over that he flat out won't eat certain types anymore.

I guess I'm just ranting because I have been honest and true to this program from day 1, I feel amazing, and the control I have over the food I choose to eat is now second nature to me. I had a terrible day of "detoxing" on day 2, and I now stay full and satisfied in between meals. I've cooked healthy foods for my family (3 1/2 year old son and 2 year old daughter) and gotten rid of toxic food. I want our children to grow up appreciating smart food choices, and I cannot get over how amazing I feel since I've changed the way I'm eating. 

I have been a yo-yo dieter for the majority of my life; I was an obese child and had a family that reprimanded me for being overweight. That resulting in lasting self-esteem issues. But I've discovered newfound self-esteem through my journey with this program. I want my husband to reap the benefits too, but I guess you can't force somebody to do what they don't want them to. He was only 2 days into the program when Halloween hit and his mom made grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner while we were there. Having a good support team is a work in progress. My husband is totally in my side and cheers me for my accomplishments. I hope with him continuing to see my success, he will make the decision to follow.

Thanks for listening ❤

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You sound like your results are amazing! I'm cooking for a family too and it's soul destroying when I've researched new recipes, been out to shop for good stuff and spent time making highly nutritious meals that they are less than enthusiastic about. So I feel your pain! I've decided it's just a way I love them and I know it's doing them good (even if they can't see that) . So I keep going. 

Your husband a big boy so you have to let him make his own choices. And it's great he's supportive of yours. So bite your tongue,keep smiling and keep on with the great stuff you're doing and in 10 short days time he'll be kicking himself and ready to sign up for Jan! 

Good luck

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You could ask him to come up with meal ideas. It's exhausting to have to plan so extensively, even if your spouse doesn't complain about the food/repeating meals, so maybe he could get a little more invested in the process.

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It sounds like your husband is supportive of you. You said he's on your side and cheers for your accomplishments and that's awesome! It sounds like he's maybe not as committed to the program as you are, and that's okay. Whole30 seems like a great program. I'm just on Day 10 but it's working well for me.

However, it's not necessarily for everyone. For my family I'm focusing on eating clean, and there are a lot of people who live very healthy lives by doing that. I feed my family about 90% exactly what I'm eating, with a few non-compliant extras here and there.

And, who knows, when he continues to see you feel great, he might change his mind about it. Either way, your marriage is most important. 

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