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Start with legumes or with dairy?


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I'm a little confused. Do I start my reintroduction (i.e. day 31) with legumes or with dairy? The official site / advice seems to be legumes (see here http://whole30.com/step-two-finished/) but other people on the forum are saying I should start with dairy and that this is the "NEW" reintroduction method.

Could you advise on which I'm supposed to start with? And is there somewhere official where it states this change? Since as far as I can see right now, the link above (i.e. starting with legumes) is the 'official line' on reintroduction order...

Thank you!

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You can start with whatever you like. The link above (& any others some might point you to) are guidelines only.

My advice would be to start with the food group you believe will cause you least problems, and take it from there.

Some people like to break down the food groups a little further than 'legumes' taking separate days for say soy & for peanuts as they are known allergens. Many break down dairy quite extensively, taking days for natural yoghurt, hard cheese, milk, soft cheese etc since the whey/casein/lactose content will vary from one product to the next and this process gives them a much clearer picture... Some choose not to reintroduce certain food groups at all.

Whatever you do remember that you need to go back to Whole30 eating in between reintros, and the food groups you have introduced go back off the menu until ALL reintros are done.

Hope this helps.

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