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stunning reaction to nicotine lozenges that i never would have learned w/out Whole30


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ok  i started whole30 while using nicotine lozenges & decided to start over without them..after 2 days of being a real jerk & crying all the time as well,i popped one & the world became ok. of course 1 lozenge,no matter what i promised myself,became an endless parade of those little tabs in my mouth & in my body.  i had previously been suffering from a problem with my mouth that caused pain in my tongue teeth & throat. i discussed it with my dr my dentist & even bought an overpriced mouth guard..it was decided it was due to anxiety or even OCD.wrong!because it had disappeared & now the symptoms are back with a vengeance..i did the little denial dance & i told myself i could live with it but i cant!i know i previously said i wouldnt know a symptom if it hit me in the face,but apparently i would!i cannot wait for the garbage to be out of my system & it aint gonna be pretty. please please wish me luck & through this process i learn something new & understand whole30 in a new light everyday

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SO this is what im gonna do.please tell me if you think its a good idea. the most important thing is to get this nicotine monkey off my back. i am also learning everyday about this program thru this community(ie i have been eating fruit alone bc i used to be a food combiner & i just had a NAKED drink)so altho i am not putting an official whole30 on the calender,i am going to continue & refine the compliant food consumption bc i think its healthy.once im free of the nicotine demon i will do my official star studded whole30 & do it right .Sound good?

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