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Help. Dizziness, diarrhea and joint pain.

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I have completed five rounds of the whole 30 and love how I feel for the most part.  

However, I experience dizziness, diareah, and more joint pain in my finger joints when I'm on it and I am wondering if this happens with anyone else?

If so, what are possible solutions? These symptoms last past the initial stages of the first 10 days and only stop if I start eating in an unhealthy way again. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

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Are you keeping a food log? Is there something you're eating during Whole30 (or just eating quite a bit more of) than you do when you're not on Whole30?

Are you salting your food? Are you eating meals that match the meal template? Not getting enough salt or not eating enough could cause the dizziness. Do you think the dizziness at least would stop if you ate more Whole30 food?

You might read through this explanation of nightshades, and this one of FODMAPS, and see if either of them resonate with you based on your symptoms and what you've been eating.

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  • 1 month later...

I have those exact symptoms too! Heading into third week and I've been dizzy since the beginning. Diarrhea started about a week ago. And joint pain has been pretty much steady since beginning as well. It's frustrating. You want to feel better and instead you are just adding additional symptoms to the mix! 

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