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Need some encouragement to get through reintroduction


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My husband and I are one week away from reintroduction and I am so exhausted! So much planning, prepping, cooking, cleaning. I can handle one more week but when I look ahead to three more full weeks I feel so overwhelmed. Both my husband and I have always been fairly healthy and active so it has been hard thus far to pick out what we have gained from whole 30. We are both sleeping better and waking up more alert but other than that not much has changed. I need some encouragement that it is worth doing the reintroduction. What got you through? What did you find out? How has your life benefited post reintroduction? Go! (Thank you in advance)


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In three years, I can't recall anyone writing back saying that skipping the Reintro was soooo worth it.  black eye1 smiley There are many regrets and gnashing of of teeth from not doing one. They return and pledge do it right this time.  

The Reintro is the best part of the Whole 30. It is the reward for all of the hard work. It's your personal diagnostic testing that determines what and how you choose to eat moving forward.

You may find out that returning to wheat makes you cry and weep after eating pasta and bread. Rice may agree with you. Aged cheeses may be doable but chocolate milk is out. Popcorn gives you bellyaches but corn muffins do not. All kinds of reactions and maybe there won't be any.

But you'll never know until you follow through. Thirty days are best when you give yourself the test. Put yourself through the paces and see what trips your trigger(s). You will have regrets if you don't, even if it's another year down the road.

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