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Day 15 - feel no change

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I'm on day 15 and really feel no change. My digestive issues haven't changed, my energy, mood...same. I feel as though I'm not experiencing the positive things that many others describe. I've reviewed my diet and I seem to be on track, no rule breaks in other words.  I'm starting to feel like this is all for nothing...worst of all I still want to snack all the time & am constantly thinking about food.

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Hey @Sixftblondedavis & welcome to the forums :)

Results are as much about the composition of your meals as they are about eating compliant foods. Can you give us some detail on what you've been eating over the past 3-4 days, with specific info on veg types, portion sizes as they relate to the palm of your hand, activity levels, liquid intake, sleep & stress levels, as well as any relevant info on pre-existing medical conditions, and meds or supplements that you might be taking.

I'd point out at this stage that it is a 30 day program and many people don't see/feel the benefits until the latter stages - we all also come into this from varying start points in terms of previous diet & overall health so everyone's results will be different.

The wanting to snack & constant thinking about food makes me think your meals probably need some tweaking.

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