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Mexico trip right after reintro.

Trina Jackson

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I am starting my reintro on Friday after a successful Whole45. I was planning on a Whole60 but I am going on a trip to Mexico and would not have any time for a reintro phase. I am trying to tailor my reintro to the things I know I will be having on my trip, non gluten grains, legumes, alcohol, and dairy mainly. I am very worried about losing all the progress I've made while on vacation. You know what they say about good intentions. I would welcome any tips from those of you who have gone on vacation and managed to come home feeling like you successfully practiced food freedom. Thanks in advance. 

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Hi Trina.  I'm in a similar situation, except this is my second Whole 30.  Just after my 30th day, I will be leaving for a week in wine country.  I tried to change or postpone, but it isn't an option.  So, we are going.  I have decided to try and make lemonade out of this and use the experience to figure out how to go on vacation and stay mostly compliant with whatever my new food freedom formula ends up being.  I really don't know how I am going to do it at this point.  My husband and I had a conversation about what that will look like and I realize I absolutely need to go head-on with this, not just for this particular week of vacation.  It was my biggest problem last time--to eat and drink when I'm not at home and turn things down without angst during social situations. I know what I want to stay away from food wise and believe I can have some success with that.  I do really like wine, however, and we are going to wine country.  Oh noooooo!!!   As you can see, I'm caught between wanting to be the warrior and really find my sweet spot when I'm away from home AND fear of failure.  I just want to get to the point where I can say, "I've got this."  I really want this.

Any and all ideas are welcome.

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Gramma Susie, luckily the wine country has wonderful farm to table restaurants. You should be able to make good choices and not feel deprived. You're going to have wine obviously. Enjoy your wine, enjoy your vacation, come back and do a mini reset. Maybe do a 10 or 15 day reset and then do a proper reintroduction. Both of us also need to remember, there are no failures, only opportunities to learn. Good luck and have fun!

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