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Started March 19


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My second week has started and I have to say it: It's amazing.
I was expecting to be tired without my Coke Zero and burgers. None of this happened, I'm hitting PRs in my box and I don't need any coffee during the day.

I start to wonder if I'm not doing anything wrong :)

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2 minutes ago, jmcbn said:

Still adjusting how?

What have you eaten/drank over the past 3-4 days? What symptoms are you having?

Everything is Whole30 approved. I had a reaction (morning number two) after beef with green beans and coconut milk souce.




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7 minutes ago, qspit said:

Everything is Whole30 approved. I had a reaction (morning number two) after beef with green beans and coconut milk souce.


But you're now on day 8, right? So 6 days have past and your gut is still adjusting? I'd wonder if it isn't something that you are still eating that is causing issue (like too many nuts for instance), but without knowing exactly what you've been eating (whether compliant or not - many people are sensitive even to compliant foods) it's impossible to offer specific feedback...

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3 minutes ago, jmcbn said:
3 minutes ago, jmcbn said:

But you're now on day 8, right? So 6 days have past and your gut is still adjusting? I'd wonder if it isn't something that you are still eating that is causing issue (like too many nuts for instance), but without knowing exactly what you've been eating (whether compliant or not - many people are sensitive even to compliant foods) it's impossible to offer specific feedback...

Let me pay some more attention to this for the next couple of days


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Hello, I also started March 19 and have yet to notice any changes at all. No weight loss (I know we are not supposed to weigh) no extra energy, no gut changes, no better sleep. I have even been tracking my calories to make sure I'm not "overdoing it" with eating, exercised every day but one so far.....anyone else in the same boat? And yes I've been 100% compliant and could stand to lose 20 lbs.

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Hey @JuliaAnn - it's fairly likely you could do with some tweaks to the composition of your meals... Can you list out what you have eaten over the past 3-4 days (giving specifics on portion sizes) along with liquid intake, activity levels, sleep/stress levels, and any info we might need on pre-existing medical conditions so we can take a look...?

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Thank-you for your response. I have attached my tracking of food. Though the portion size specifically isn't listed, the calorie content is correct. The sequence of the food is not exact either as the app doesn't allow time entry,  water intake is 3/4-1 gallon a day. Along with my steps, which include cardio, I am doing weights 4-5 times a week. Sleep is 7-8 hours a night and stress is minimal. No medical conditions. I am 52 if that is relevant.








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Ok, stop tracking the calories for starters - that is counter intuitive to what we want you to do here, which is to listen to your body and fuel it effectively.

Secondly eat more. Eat more fat & more veg. Eat bigger meals. If you're needing to snack your meals need to be bigger - the template is a range, so if you're not staying satiated for 4-5hrs in between meals then eat more. Until you find that sweet spot in terms of the template & remaining satiated fruit is not ideal for a snack as it impacts blood sugar/energy/appetite/focus etc. If you must snack in between meals make it a mini meal made up of at least two of the three foods groups, with protein & fat being your best option - so maybe a hard boiled egg, or some chicken & guac/mayo... Then make your meals bigger the next day.

Thirdly, where are your pre/postWO meals? Certainly a lack of a postWO meal will contribute to hunger and play havoc with energy levels and how you feel in general. Protein & fat preWO, and lean & protein & optional starchy carb postWO, although you look to be getting enough starches throughout the day.

Add fat to every meal, over and above what you are using to cook with, and ensure you are getting adequate protein - when you're having just eggs as your protein, how many are you having? It's hard to tell from the app.

Again, ditch the tracking app. It will be SO SO liberating....

Hope this helps!

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Thank you for your response. My post workout meal is lunch. I schedule my workout to fall there. I started the tracking because of feeling too full after eating a meal and then being hungry before my next meal which is frustrating as I'm trying for the 3 meals but it's just too much at one time...I'm used to the 4-6 meals a day. For eggs it's 2-3 per meal.  Also not listed on the app would be a salad with veggie at some meals. If it has EVOO listed, it has a veggie in the meal which I didn't count the calories for.

I'll stop tracking.

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