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Homemade Breakfast Sausage


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Well, if I thought I was the cat's meow when I mastered mayo, ghee, and almond milk, my head is truly swollen now!

I made breakfast sausage for the first time this morning, and it was delicious. I used this recipe, minus the molasses:


Just enough kick to make it interesting, not enough herbs to make it taste like Italian sausage.

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I used pork. I love the fact that I can buy lean ground pork and add spices, instead of purchasing what I always worry is 'mystery meat'. They can call anything 'pork' in sausage--snouts, lips, etc. I used a couple of patties and froze the rest. Haven't cooked from frozen yet.

If my mother was alive, she'd be shaking her head. She was the last of the generation before convenience foods, when people HAD to make their own mayo, sausage, etc. either because it wasn't readily available, or it cost too much, or refrigeration was unreliable. She embraced the "just add water and stir" mentality with an almost religious fervor. I never tasted mashed potatoes that didn't come from a box until I grew up and moved out on my own. And here I am, returning to the ways she rejected because they were so time consuming. If only they'd known how much healthier the old ways were.

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Beef sausage doesn't sound good to me so I will use pork too.

My mom has always been a non processed food person. We always ate fresh veggies. However, she is very much into the low fat high carb mindset. My 27 yo daughter cooked fish lettuce wrapped tacos when visiting her in San Diego this summer and my mom defrosted a couple of corn tortillas because she said "carbs are what keep me from getting hungry in an hour". Ugh!

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I also never saw a vegetable that didn't come out of a can or a box from the freezer growing up.

My grandmother was big on canned veggies (especially spinach which I quite enjoyed), but we grew up on 1.25 acres with avocado, orange, grapefruit, bananna and fig trees and a year round veg garden, so I rarely saw a can or a freezer bag. I actually am buying more frozen veggies as the veg season in Oregon is gone except for greens and other winter vegetables. I watch for organic frozen vegetables to go on sale and then stock up. I don't really love the texture compared to fresh, but I do love the price and I know they are nutritious.

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Unfortunately our part of Florida isn't known for awesome farmers markets and the CSA I joined was kinda.. blah(even though others raved about it). I'm looking into community gardens so I can grow my own stuff.

Definitely going to try the sausage recipe, tired of ground beef for breakfast. :)

Oh, Maryann, have you been to Jimmy P's? Local butcher, high remarks. I'm going to swing by this weekend and check them out.

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If my mother was alive, she'd be s haking her head. She was the last of the generation before convenience foods, when people HAD to make their own mayo, sausage, etc. ............ And here I am, returning to the ways she rejected because they were so time consuming. If only they'd known how much healthier the old ways were.

My father grew up in the 'hungry thirties'. When the second world war broke out, although food was severely rationed, he always said that, because the government introduced food standards, the diet of the poor actually improved.

The trouble is he now firmly believes that buying organic, or grass fed or GMO free is total stuff and nonsense because the mysterious 'they' wouldn't put things in our food unless they were good for us :(

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Oh, Maryann, have you been to Jimmy P's? Local butcher, high remarks. I'm going to swing by this weekend and check them out.

So you gave up on Organics? I still have a credit because I bought the big Groupon, so I have another week. It has been a big disappointment, even though I have friends who love it. Last week, I got a box of fruit with one bunch of chard and a couple of zucchini thrown in. This week I switched to the all veggie box, but they didn't get enough spaghetti or acorn squash delivered and I was shorted on both. The box was basically all salad fixins. A head of lettuce, 2 cukes, 3 tomatoes, 2 onions, a bag of baby carrots, and a box of baby of spinach, oh, and two garnet yams that together only weighed half a pound. Neither box was worth anywhere near $35.

Jimmy P's is beautiful, but I'd need to win the lottery to be able to afford his meats on a regular basis.

Food and Thought has a CSA from Jan to May. Might give it a try. There's a new organic market across from F&T in Naples Plaza. I saw the sign when I drove by yesterday. Just up from Jimmy P's, so you may want to check it out if you're going there.

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  • 3 months later...

I can't find pastured pork so I use grass fed beef for my sausage. It's delicious! Once you add the seasonings I don't think you can really tell a difference. I was a little wary at first, but it worked like a charm. Yum Yum! So happy I learned to do this! I have a couple pieces of sausage, 1/2 a sweet potato worth of hashbrown, and a bunch of baked broccoli or kale. It's the best breakfast ever! I

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