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Day 6 and dizzy


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Hi all! New to the forum and whole 30. Love both! :) I have had the sluggishness etc which I have observed here is pretty normal. I have given myself a pass on any real exercise but am eager to get to the gym today. I am dizzy and wanted to see if anyone else experienced this first of all and second of all if you still worked out?

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Thank you for your responses; I did work out before I saw this but took care to make sure I was cautious. I know I am not eating too little; I feel like I am eating sooooo much! However I have increased my salt intake significantly and am super inflamed (which is one of the issues i am trying to resolve) or retaining water or both so I don't know if the high salt intake could cause dizziness? Or just the loss of sugar?

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Chelle, I have been woozy off and on and found that upping my fat and carb intake helped. Although I was eating until I was full, it was mostly meat and low-carb veg, and once I got a bit more generous with the fat and added in some sweet potato I felt much better. Maybe that would help you too?

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