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Today is my 9th Whole 30 Day.

I read on the "Whole 30 Timeline" that somewhere along the process you might have this crazy dreams about food.. which I didn't thought I'd get.

Today I woke up freaked out .. you know out of one of those dreams where you realize you were dreaming like 30 seconds after you've woken up.

My dream went like this:

I was at this cool Hacienda walking around having a conversation with someone ( I don't remember who it was) when suddenly I realize I have been eating popcorn all the time so I freaked and started thinking "omg! I screwed up! how many popcorn have I actually had??? it is my 20th whole 30 day!!! why did I did this!!! Now I will have to start over!!!! *sudden urge to cry but manage to hold my tears since I was at a public event* I remember I told myself " You probably had like 3 o 4 popcorn... damn... anyways you have to start again.." I was very disturbed by the fact that I ate those popcorn and decided I wasn't going to screw up again and suddenly I was at this buffet table with my mother and she was like "what are you grabbing?" And I was holding something in my hands and gave it bite... it tasted delicious!!! It was a corn cookie (They make those at little towns in México and I don't actually love them but they were amazing in my dream) but I didn't realize I was fu*** up again till I almost ate half the cookie already ( It was a big cookie) so I freak out again and kinda cry a little bit, I was so disappointed and boom.. I woke up.. but I didn't realize it was a dream so I woke really worried and sad but then happiness came when half a minute later I noticed that it was just a dream.


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