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Start date today 7/26/17!

Camille Ynez

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HI SweetEnough!  It is nice to hear from you!  My first day went great, thanks!  Day 2 has been easy too.  SO MUCH FOOD PREP, yes, ha ha ha!  It's nice for me though because I haven't been cooking much up until now and so it's good to feel like I'm really using my kitchen.  My biggest challenge will be not eating pastries or ice cream.  Last night I wanted ice cream so bad but then I thought maybe I was just really hot (it was almost 100 degrees out) so I drank some cold water and waited 5 minutes and sure enough the craving passed.

How is your Day 4 going?  It sounds like you're an advanced member -- have you done Whole 30 many times before? :)

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18 hours ago, Camille Ynez said:

My biggest challenge will be not eating pastries or ice cream.  Last night I wanted ice cream so bad but then I thought maybe I was just really hot (it was almost 100 degrees out) so I drank some cold water and waited 5 minutes and sure enough the craving passed.

How is your Day 4 going?  It sounds like you're an advanced member -- have you done Whole 30 many times before? :)

Girl. We are the same. I love the pastries and ice cream too. I miss them more than I should, which is why I'm doing this!!!

Day 4 was great. Day 5 is great so far too, my tummy is less bloated already. I'm so happy. I wouldn't consider myself very 'advanced' -- I did my first round of Whole30 this spring. It was such a completely life-changing positive experience. Reintroduction revealed some foods that I needed to eliminate, thank goodness. Now I'm doing my second round to remind my sugar dragon that he's not welcome here anymore. :)

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12 hours ago, SweetEnough said:

Girl. We are the same. I love the pastries and ice cream too. I miss them more than I should, which is why I'm doing this!!!

Day 4 was great. Day 5 is great so far too, my tummy is less bloated already. I'm so happy. I wouldn't consider myself very 'advanced' -- I did my first round of Whole30 this spring. It was such a completely life-changing positive experience. Reintroduction revealed some foods that I needed to eliminate, thank goodness. Now I'm doing my second round to remind my sugar dragon that he's not welcome here anymore. :)

On 7/27/2017 at 11:22 AM, SweetEnough said:

How did your first day go, @Camille Ynez? and how's Day 2 so far? I am on Day 4 and I'm doing pretty good. LOTS OF FOOD PREP. LOL!

So glad your day 4 & 5 went well!  That's amazing you can already notice that the tummy bloating is going down!  And good for you that you keep slaying that sugar dragon!  My day 3 was good although I sort of obsessed about dinner and when I was going to get to eat...so maybe I should have eaten some vegetable snacks instead of trying to wait til dinner.  I feel good so far.  

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Hi!  I hope you had a great weekend!  Day 5 went ok for me except for the occasional chocolate cake obsessions!  Ha ha. I am eating a snack of blueberries and cashews and they are so good together.  I hope you have a good night and a great Monday!


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9 hours ago, Camille Ynez said:

Hi!  I hope you had a great weekend!  Day 5 went ok for me except for the occasional chocolate cake obsessions!  Ha ha. I am eating a snack of blueberries and cashews and they are so good together.  I hope you have a good night and a great Monday!


Wow blueberries and cashews sound wonderful together. I will have to try that soon! I think about chocolate cake a lot too. HAHA! I'll bet in a few weeks these fantasies will fade a little bit. :)

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4 hours ago, SweetEnough said:

Wow blueberries and cashews sound wonderful together. I will have to try that soon! I think about chocolate cake a lot too. HAHA! I'll bet in a few weeks these fantasies will fade a little bit. :)

Yeah, there's something really satisfying about cashews.  And then the blueberries gave a little sweetness.  How is your Whole30 going so far?  What are the biggest benefits you've experienced now that you're on your second round of it?  So glad to have a Whole30 buddy on here! :)

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20 minutes ago, Camille Ynez said:

Yeah, there's something really satisfying about cashews.  And then the blueberries gave a little sweetness.  How is your Whole30 going so far?  What are the biggest benefits you've experienced now that you're on your second round of it?  So glad to have a Whole30 buddy on here! :)

It's going great for me. I really needed this nutritional reset, BADLY. Girl, I was THAT girl eating frosting straight out of the can with a spoon. And I felt icky. Biggest benefit is that I don't feel icky anymore. Second round feels really different because my body is different. We are ever-changing works in progress!

What about you, @Camille Ynez? Biggest benefit for you so far?

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27 minutes ago, SweetEnough said:

It's going great for me. I really needed this nutritional reset, BADLY. Girl, I was THAT girl eating frosting straight out of the can with a spoon. And I felt icky. Biggest benefit is that I don't feel icky anymore. Second round feels really different because my body is different. We are ever-changing works in progress!

What about you, @Camille Ynez? Biggest benefit for you so far?

That is a really important benefit to not feel icky anymore.  I was THAT girl eating a cookie during the  day and THEN eating another "dessert" after dinner.  Every. Day.  I'm noticing that I don't feel stressed about what do eat after a long day of work because I already have most of it prepped/figured out.  It gives me peace of mind.  Also foods like cashews, which I normally used to consider as boring and blah, taste good to me when I am not stuffing myself with sugar and empty calories!  Woo hoo!

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21 hours ago, Camille Ynez said:

Hi!  I hope you had a great weekend!  Day 5 went ok for me except for the occasional chocolate cake obsessions!  Ha ha. I am eating a snack of blueberries and cashews and they are so good together.  I hope you have a good night and a great Monday!


CAreful with this... it won't help the cake cravings die down... we don't recommend nuts and fruits on their own as a snack and nuts are really meant to be limited (a metric for that being a closed handful every other day at most but they're not meant to be eaten even every other day...).  

Were you snacking because you were actually hungry or because you were bored/habit?  If it was the former, then protein and fat should be chosen and subsequent meals should be recomposed to get you 4-5 hours between meals.  If you were eating out of boredom, habit etc... then find something else to do instead of feeding your cravings :)

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2 hours ago, SugarcubeOD said:

CAreful with this... it won't help the cake cravings die down... we don't recommend nuts and fruits on their own as a snack and nuts are really meant to be limited (a metric for that being a closed handful every other day at most but they're not meant to be eaten even every other day...).  

Were you snacking because you were actually hungry or because you were bored/habit?  If it was the former, then protein and fat should be chosen and subsequent meals should be recomposed to get you 4-5 hours between meals.  If you were eating out of boredom, habit etc... then find something else to do instead of feeding your cravings :)

OK, thank you so much for the advice!  I really appreciate it! :)


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