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WOD energy concerns....

Nicole M

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Let me preface this by saying, I am still waiting for my copy of the book, so it may be answered in there, but I have not read it yet....

So here is the thing, I have not done a Whole30 yet, but have spent some time very strict paleo, which was essentially a Whole30, but still had a few indulgences, and included dairy. I want to do a Whole30, but want to read the book first so I am doing it right...

My question is this: I WOD 3-4 times a week and when I was eating very strict paleo previously, I ended up feeling very weak when lifting and would often get shaky during workouts. I have read around the forums a lot about eating pre-wod "meals", which I most definitely was not doing, but I am still concerned that this could happen again-- perhaps for a different reason (maybe I am not eating enough during the day, etc.)

Like I said, I haven't read It starts with Food yet, but any other pointers would be helpful because it was really not a good feeling, and I think ultimately lead me "off the wagon" back to eating more carbs and crap because I felt better when I was working out.

Any thoughts on this? For stats purposes, I am 30, F, 5'10 about 150-155lbs. B)

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I most definitely need to eat more carbs in addition to my pre and post workout meals on days I'm doing a WOD. While whole30 is not meant to be a low carb eating plan many people end up on the low end of the spectrum because of how many foods you've eliminated. If you are doing an intense workout you will need extra starchy carb on workout days to give you energy and support brain function. I found this out the hard way by eating very low carb and working out and spending my entire day in a daze that I couldn't explain until I started adding some sweet potato or butternut squash to my meals on those days. Make sure you are eating enough food throughout the day and including some healthy carbs and you should be ok!

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Also, keep up your fat intake with every meal.... For me it was MUCH more fat than I thought I would need.... Like you I was shaky and gasing out early on intense workouts.... I don't crossfit, but participate in an elite Israeli combat conditioning program and its intense. I add a sweet potato postWO, and doubled my fat, after two weeks or so I could feel myself burning fat for fuel and I was once again smoking my workouts

IMO, the best thing you can do while on W30 is give yourself a break and don't worry about your performance the first few weeks... Let your body adapt, and you'll feel great!

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