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Starting 10/30/2017 --- Wow! I'm actually doing it!


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I had been thinking for a while now to do the ketogenic diet, but the thing that kept stopping me was the unrestricted fats. I kept thinking about cholesterol levels. So i trusted my instinct and after reviewing everything have decided to go whole 30. I know i can do this.. in fact, i HAVE to!!! Here we go!

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Good luck. Im starting another round tomorrow as well. Have my mayo and other prep work done.  The thing that bugs me about keto is no fruit.  I might try it later on but right now I need to find out what is causing what I believe is an allergic reaction.  Bye bye Greek yogurt!

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I started today as well! My husband and kids will only be following along with my meals at dinner most times so my kitchen isn't completely whole30 ready, but I have all I need to do it! It's a little daunting,  but I'm excited for the results and to be able to notice and feel the difference after the fact and avoid bad foods for a longer time after:)

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Hi there! I'm on day 1 right now too. First timer, here. Family is not doing it with me, so it'll be interesting. I need to do something; weight keeps going up and clothes don't fit, and I'm not willing to buy even more bigger sizes. I've done WW twice and achieved lifetime both times, but I plateau'd a couple years ago (before weight started going up) and need to do something to move the scale the other way. I'm glad this resource is here!

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Hi guys! First timer starting today as well.... I’ve done every diet out there and am so sick of the belly bloat.  I’m super excited to be here. My husband will do some of this with me so my kitchen is not completely compliant. I just need to stay away from his personal cupboard that I set up for him. :wacko: Good luck to everyone. We can all do this! 

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My first time to try this, after thinking about it for a long time but thinking it was just too hard for me to do.  Give up my nightly glass of wine and chocolate for a month?  No bread, or grains?  Impossible.  But after the 2nd doctor recommended it as a way to address my ever-present stomach inflammation I thought what the hell I will do it.  I started 10 days ago but cheated that weekend when friends were over for dinner and looked so disappointed that I couldn't have a glass of wine with them.  So I did.  Two glasses, plus flourless almond cake (home made, but with sugar) and some rice.  So I re-started a week ago, and am on Day 7 of the re-do.  Almost every night I want my wine and chocolate ... and all that Halloween candy!  But I've managed to resist by having kombucha (without added sugar) and going to bed early.  My stomach has never felt better, even though I don't seem to have lost any weight the energy and fact my stomach isn't bothering me have been well worth the hours of cooking.  I guess my knife skills will improve after a month of chopping!

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I just started today too!!  I have heard so many good things about Whole30 and I am ready to change my life!

Thankful my husband and son have decided to join in. Together with the Whole30 Family we can do this.

We all love to cook and need to make better choices in our food and meals.  Looking forward to gaining more energy, clearing the brain fog, and feeling great!


Best wishes to all as we join in this journey to better health!


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Hey all!  I'd love to join your little group as today is Day 2 (Round 2) for me as well!  I just did a Whole 30 in September, but I fell into old habits again quickly.  I had no plan for Day 31, and by day 45 it was all over.  This time I'm planning to go Paleo after this Whole 30.  I learned a lot the first time and I'm looking forward to getting back to feeling awesome!! 

ChrisMH - would LOVE to know how you convinced your hubby and son to join you!  I can hardly even get my son to eat the dinners I make when I'm on Whole 30.  (He's 13)  I would love advice on this!!

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Hello!  I started on Oct 30 also, Day 4!  So happy to not have touched any Halloween booty.  I decided to try this mostly due to stomach troubles - bloated belly, diarrhea/constipation, nausea and heartburn.  Yuck sounds awful.  Have been consistently gaining weight and having a very hard time stopping it.  So YAY for us starting Whole30!  But, so far I have not noticed any improvement to my tummy troubles though?  I’m surprised. 

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13 minutes ago, Stephtopo said:

Hello!  I started on Oct 30 also, Day 4!  So happy to not have touched any Halloween booty.  I decided to try this mostly due to stomach troubles - bloated belly, diarrhea/constipation, nausea and heartburn.  Yuck sounds awful.  Have been consistently gaining weight and having a very hard time stopping it.  So YAY for us starting Whole30!  But, so far I have not noticed any improvement to my tummy troubles though?  I’m surprised. 

Hey Stephtopo!  Congrats on making it through Halloween - that is no small feat!!  This is my 2nd Whole 30 (and my 3rd attempt) and want to let you know that tummy troubles in the first week/ several days is normal. I did a ton of reading on the subject the last time I did this and there are lots of people who have said the same thing.  Stick with it - it may take a while but when it passes you'll be so glad you did!  Good luck!!

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Thank you for the reply!  I guess it’s going to take awhile to see real improvement.  I already had these stomach problems so was hoping they’d magically clear up and I’d feel great about my whole30.  Sugar/candy isn’t my main vice so I don’t reslly care about the pounds of candy laying around, although I normally would indulge and prob have way too much.  It makes me sick to watch my child gorge on that crap though!  

Having my coffee w coconut oil right now.  It’s good but has been messy to whip together.  I’ve tried this coffee before and another perk is that I can feel that coconut oil in my skin- no moisturizer needed, no itchy dry skin! 

What are you going to eat today? 

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Morning Steph!  I missed this yesterday morning but I ended up eating spinach and eggs for breakfast along with coffee/ coconut oil! :) Salad with some deli meat for lunch, and a Waldorf salad for dinner from Danielle Walker's cookbook.  She is someone I just recently discovered and her cookbooks are awesome.  She's paleo, but most of her recipes fit Whole 30, and I'm planning to continue following her after my Whole 30.  Today I'm taking some of the leftover salad to work for lunch.   Also - one note on the spinach and eggs - I always get funny looks when I mention that, but it really takes about 5 or 10 minutes from beginning to end, and it seems to be the only thing I can eat in the morning that satisfies me all the way until lunch.  I cook the spinach because for me it's easier to eat that way, and I sprinkle a little coconut aminos on the whole plate to satisfy my sweet tooth.

Candy/ sugar is by far my biggest vice.  I have no breaks when it comes to that, and that's why I'm doing this second round.  The first time I felt like I had complete control over the cravings, and then I gave it up on Day 31.  Not smart!!  I have quit smoking and quit drinking, and those were both hard... but candy is EVERYWHERE!  Not to mention, socially acceptable... peer pressure is rampant.  So, when I finish this my plan is to only partake of sweets that I made myself, in my kitchen.  I've had a hard time with the cravings in these first few days but I've stayed strong and I'm hopeful that I can do it again.

How about you?? Do you work outside the home?  How do you handle lunch??

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