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thanks jo!

day ten:

hmm think it must be about a week to my cycle and for some reason today i felt extra hungry! I had to have an afternoon snack even though i didnt do any exercise! what else.. well i cooked this recipe that i have seen round this site alot called "the best chicken ever" and not to be a downer but oh dear god i will not be cooking that ever again. Maybe i added to much spices or something, but that was definitely not my idea of best chicken ever. My nose ran the entire time i was eating and i had to drink like 2 bottles of water to counteract the fire in my mouth and now i feel bloated lol! But the idea of placing the chicken in a bag with salt water for a couple hours was good, it made the chicken very tender, I will take that lesson away!

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Day eleven:

woo another good day! got hungry after lunch AGAIN and had to snack, that shows me that I need to have a bigger lunch!!!! I think coconut milk is causing some serious gas etc issues for me too... it sucks so bad though cause I dont want to cut it out, but i may have to waaaaaaa.

went for a 40min walk tonight, our house is in a cloud at the moment so that was extreme, but i enjoyed it.

blood sugars have been very goood all day and i am noticing that i am feeling much more awake during the day and am waking up much faster in the morning... not to blow my own horn, but im also sleeping so much better!!

hope everyone else is going well too!! xx much love!

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I just noticed that we are only 1 day apart on our Whole30s. Woot woot for us! I think I have the same problem with wishing the weight would come off ASAP. I've struggled with disordered eating for 3 years now and my body is seriously wondering what the hell I have done to it and is not happy with me at all. It is scared to death that I will stop eating so I think it wants to hang on to every single ounce of fat I have packed on. I've basically been like a bear preparing to hibernate for the last 3 years. Minus the hibernating. Your body is likely just as messed up and confused as mine--and you even have diabetes! I think the fact that we want what we want and we want it right now just makes things harder though. We really need to practice the art of patience. And wear pants with elastic waist bands. I use to think elastic was my arch nemesis until I started to gain weight. When none of your pants fit it is amazing how elastic becomes your very best friend. Maybe even your only friend. Seriously. I haven't been able to fit into any of my work slacks for AGES so all I wear are skirts. A day in the life of my lower body is to go from my pj shorts that I sleep in --> to the pj pants that I wear after my shower while I get ready for work --> to my work skirt --> back to my pj pants the moment I get home from work --> then back to my pj shorts. I'm all about hiding the muffin top from everyone--even myself! I just try to remember that my body is healing from what I have put it through and one of these days it will start to shrink back down. It will be exciting to hear how we have both done at the end of our W30. I actually plan on sticking with my W30 until February 6th when my boyfriend and I are going to Vegas (where drunken debauchery will absolutely take place). It seems so far away but just imagine the positive changes we can both make between now and then! Keep up the good work Sarah!!

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SDzombiegirl-- OMG I Love You we are the same!!! I have only been wearing dresses and skirts out of the house lately for the shame of my thunder thighs!!!! bahahhaa and when i get home its TRACK-PANTS time, hey they are pretty comfy!! wooo! Yes I want this weight to be goooone burger aswell, but I think I am slowly coming to terms that its just gonna take time. Its funny someday's I wake up and feel like yay I may have lost a little... but then later on the same day im like nope, love handles are still there dammit!! :) ps i am planning on keeping with the whole30 into the knew year aswell, so we will be in this together!

Day 12-

last night i got up in the middle of the night and ate 3 slices of meatloaf. grr i was a little pissed since i haven't been getting up during the night since i started my whole30, but i figured it could have bee worse and atleast my meatloaf was whole30 approved.. so im moving on!

got really sun-burnt today which is rather painful, but it was such a beautiful day study had to be done outdoors!

ate yummy whole30 foods all day and went for a 40min walk this evening. enjoyed myself very much.

Just noticed something else today, since my food and body issues have been taking up less time on my mind (i guess this has been a process over the past year) I have began picking up heaps of new hobbies and my confidence in myself has gone up so much. I feel like i can relate to others and make friends much more easily now than in the past, so i'm feeling really stoked about this.

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day 13-

arrgh this morning i had a test for one of my papers which was actually waaay harder than i expected!! I think i will still get a pass mark though :)

I did my christmas shopping today (well some of it) so that was a success.

I have a few cravings to eat the scorched almonds I got for dads xmas present, but I made myself wrap them and put them in the boot of my car and the cravings went away after that.

Went for a 50min walk and haven't been up to much else today. Just laxin' cause its soo nice and sunny!

bring on friday! xo

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Hey girl. So I read my emails on my phone when I wake up each morning so that's when I read your log entry and for about 2 hours this morning I thought it was Friday because of how you ended your post. It was soooo disappointing to realize it was actually Thursday. Dang it!!!

Way to go resisting the almonds you got for your dad! If I had a nickel for all of the Christmas presents I bought for other people over the years and then ate myself......I'd probably buy myself a big box of really expensive chocolates. Just kidding. I'd get liposuction. Just kidding again.

I think I am finally hitting the phase where I am feeling better about myself and making the right food choices seems to be easier now. I can't imagine never "wanting" chocolate or basically anything with sugar that is baked or fried or frosted or has sprinkles on it. But I am slowly coming to accept the fact that continuing to CHOOSE to eat those foods is just going to keep me in the same perpetual state of unhappiness. So yay for the W30! I hope you are just about at that point too. I'm excited for us both to have 2 weeks under our belts...and before we know it Christmas will pass and we will have 20 days of success...then be on the heels of 30 days! Change if good : ) I hope you have a great Friday!

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SDzombiegirl- hehehe i'm so sorry about that! it is Friday in NZ... the end of the world apparently! :/ Glad to hear you are feeling better about yourself! I am too... except today lol... except any of 5 days before my period! and i too have eaten things i have brought for other people lol and right now im probably going to down 2 large mandarins... gotta get my sweet fix!!! YOU have a good friday too xx :)

day 14-

arrrrgh.. today has been a very blah day! I slept really well last night and even slept in an extra hour this morning, but I have been feeling like I could just go back to bed alllll day! I have also been excessively hungry (er craving sweets) all day long!

Seriously, this is out of the normal for me, I haven't had hardly any cravings on the whole30 yet, but today OMGGG. Just looking at pictures of sweets OR walking past them in a shop made me want them soo badly! I know it would be a bad decision to have sweets though and so far i have made it through the day!! Well kinda... i'm on my 2nd large mandarin in a row ... cummon guys I had to have something!! One BONUS is that the mandarins taste so sweet and yummy, probably because I haven't had sugar for the past 2 weeks.

I also had lots of pumpkin and some beetroot with my lunch to try ward of the sweet cravings... it was yum, but unsuccessful. To top this off I also feel so fatty boom boom today, so into the track pants it is!!

Will probably have an early dinner tonight and hit the sack! fingers xed I will be feeling better tomorrow! xo

ps just made the salmon muffins in the it starts with food book and just WOW they hit the spot!!

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thanx juzbo!

day 15:

today has been better cravings wise, so far ive just eaten normally with no cravings again. but geez ive felt in a shitty mood since i got home from work. my boobs feel like they are the size of small planets and my tummy is bloated too, on the plus side *i think* my small love handles are actually looking even smaller, so it must just be the bloat. I know im actually making a way bigger deal than i should be out of this not so bad pms, but hey why not? LOL feeling a little better now that i have had a long hot shower. I am going out with some gfs tonight, im guna try have a good night without a drink. ps im still in love with those salmon muffins ommmgosh soo good! bake them today!! the almond flour just gives them such a yummy flav!!

hope everyone else is fine!

x Sarah

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day 16-

last night went out with a couple gfs and didn't drink again!! this is big for me and i was seriously considering it for a while, but you no what i'm really glad i didn't :) Feel so much better today.

every thing else is going well.

Hope everyone has a good weekend xo

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day 17-

had a long walk this morning, while walking I realized also that my lips are no longer cracked and dry like they used to be and also the pain I was getting in my heels after my shifts at work is subsiding. At work I am always on my feet and the pain was getting to a point where I could almost not walk the next morning after work, but now my feet are feeling alot better.

My boobs were sore this morning, which is not normally a symptom I get of pms, but I suppose this could be a good thing as maybe it means my hormones are returning to normal levels. Also still having a few sweet food cravings, but they are not intense and I know it's just pms.

Feeling good today because its sooo sunny!!!


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Hehe gonna have to re-start I had a couple of wines on X-mas and also had some gluten free bread because my BF's mum brought it for me and made a point that it was REALLY expensive so I kinda couldn't say no. It's okay though, I kinda felt like I might not be able to do xmas and have decided I will eat whole for the remainder of the year and will probably have a few drinks on new years and then will start a new whole30 on January 1st 2013. Kinda a cool new years reso... also have a few others that I might type up on here later. But overall had a really good xmas and this year I didn't end up pigging out too much either!

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Sarah, great news re your lips. I did my once a year (hangs head in shame) oven and stove cleaning last week AND I usually get really dry damaged skin for a few days after but this time I didnt get any damage at all... the fat is more that skin deep yay! And in case you are like my hubby no they havent changed the ingredients in the cleaners I used!

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