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I never know what to say with posts like this, but here I am, attempting to wittily explain why I'm back here again at the beginning. My first foray into Whole30 was several years ago, and it went well, at first. I'm not sure exactly what happened to make my friends and I quit with a week and a half left, but I never followed through. Flash forward to the present, and I am currently at the highest weight I have ever been, and I'm even struggling with body image issues that had not popped up in a while. My doctor has warned me about the medical issues that I'm currently experiencing, and I am just tired. Tired of always struggling with food, with my health; tired of making excuses and falling back into my self-abuse cycle; and tired of being tired! I want to finally succeed and change my life, but I know that I won 't be able to do anything without accountabliity. So here I am! I'm taking this next week to figure out and prepare my Whole30 regimen, so I will start Monday, November 6th. I am hopeful I will find support and be able to give support in return. Thanks for reading!

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You'll find lots of people here who can relate and who can support! My "start group" has been wonderful and we've really helped hold each other accountable to cross the finish line and achieve whatever goals we've aimed for! 

I just finished my Whole30 (though I did it for 43 days) and started reintroductions this week. While I didn't achieve everything I had hoped for, I am absolutely thrilled with what I've done and I really do feel like I've changed my relationship with food. I also lost almost 20 pounds! This can change your life for the better so I wish you the best of luck!! There will be so many here rooting for you, including me! 

You should consider starting a thread called "November 6 Start Date" or something like that and I'm sure you'll find others who will start at the same time as you and who can help you through your journey! 

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