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Thanksgiving Green Bean Casserole


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So this is what I am thinking, maybe taking some fresh green beans, mixing it with homemade mayo (slight vinegar flavor), water chestnut from a can (just need to check the ingridents), some kind of soy alternative. What am I missing to make it tasty, bacon with no sugar, etc. Should I change the mayo to ranch dressing with cilantro etc. I know cream of soup bakes well, but ummm can I bake Mayo lol. Maybe I need to add the mayo after the food is already heated. Any ideas?

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So, this isn't quite what you're describing, but maybe try it sometime before Thanksgiving and see if it'll do, because it's really good (I left out the pepper flakes, because I'm a wimp, and you could totally leave out the cilantro or use parsley instead if you don't care for it):    http://meljoulwan.com/2012/03/14/coconut-almond-green-beans/


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That recipe calls for a can of coconut cream, it'll be a thicker version of canned coconut milk, more coconut, less water. I've found cans of it at Sprouts, if you're near one, or you can order it online from Amazon.

In this case, since it's a soup, you could probably use canned coconut milk instead, it'll just be a little thinner. 

Sometimes when recipes call for coconut cream, you can put a can of coconut milk in the fridge for a few hours and it'll separate into a thick creamy part and a clearish liquid, the thick part would be the coconut cream. This only works with the canned stuff, not the cartons of coconut milk in the refrigerated section of your grocery store, which usually are thinner and are often mixed with almond milk or other ingredients.

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