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Day 17 - All Manner of Change, Except Weight Loss


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So, my digestion is improved, no more strange abdominal pains, and no more overnight heartburn. My waistline is barely budged, but I do feel better from the improved food quality. But, I'm still craving food, especially sweets. I've really been attracted to snacking on nuts, and dried fruit has been my candy replacement. I haven't been watching portion size, so I'm probably over eating the good stuff, which I imagine would prevent weight loss in itself. I have so may bad habits to eliminate, I'm having a hard time dealing with it all, while expecting to lose weight at the same time. Am I destined to stay engaged for a Whole45 or more?

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Also, snacking is a sign that you're meals aren't big enough.  Check out the template and make sure you're getting your meals to at least that.  Nuts are generally recommended as a closed handful every other day or so at most, as they can be hard on the digestive system, don't necessarily have the best Omega ratios, and also can be a food-with-no-brakes or mindless eating snack.  And, it's been said before, but the Whole30 is not a weight loss diet, it's an elimination diet to determine how certain foods affect you.  Although many people do change body composition and/or lose weight, it's not the goal.

If you list out a few days worth of meals, including portion sizes as they relate to the template and specific types of veggies/protein/fats, we might be able to give more directed feedback.  Also, workouts, water consumption, stress, and sleep play into this big time.

But great job on taking on the whole30 and seeing some improvements already!  Think about how positive those changes are!

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