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Starting December 28


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 I know it's random but I'm gonna start tomorrow Thursday, December 28! I've just been eating too many Christmas cookies and if I wait until January 1  to start, I know I will continue eating cookies.  This is my third or fourth Whole30 and I know how wonderful I feel when I am on it:)

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Good for you! I should be inspired by you and do the same... LOL. Instead, I'm in that downward spiral where I know I'm going to start soon so I eat EXTRA cookies and ice cream because (theoretically) I won't be eating it at all anymore... It's bad! 

Best wishes to you and happy holidays! 

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I am already on day 3 and feeling wonderful!! I went to the store this morning and bought plenty of veggies that I'm going to roast for the weekend. I wish I would remember how great I feel when I am on The Whole30 so I would continue eating this way after Whole30 is done.

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