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Outside looking in


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Just an observation..... Flights delayed and I'm sitting in the Air Canada exec lounge drinking a bottle of water. Just people watching folks going up and down and up and down to the" free" buffet. There is salad,chicken,tuna.....but it sits untouched..... I watch as people are mindlessly taking their fourth or fifth helping of cookies, hot chocolate,pastry, cans of soda, and liquor. Didn't most just binge thier fat rears off over the holidays.... Worse is its all commercial grade stuff and doesn't look appealing in the least......


How fortunate we are to have found this amazing new relationship with food..... So next time you are tempted to just mindlessly eat.... Remember, we're those stale cookies and coke worth it?????

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Can I love this observation? :wub: I am loving being on the outside as a former insider. I thought about all the people I know STILL holiday binging while I did a killer 7am workout, very motivating. Mmmm stale cookies.

Safe travels home to sunny FL!

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It's really sad isn't it. The more they fill up on all the processed crap, the more hungry they'll be because their bodies just aren't getting the nourishment they need. Yet it's sitting right there in front of them, the tuna, the chicken, the salad and getting ignored because we've all been so brainwashed and drugged by *food* (crap) manufacturers. Yep, been there, done that and now soooo grateful to see right through it.

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