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Hi there - 


My doctor recommended that I take Align Probiotic Supplement daily for stomach issues that I've been having. I just bought it and saw that it contains milk, it addition to sucrose, gellan gum etc. I know we're not supposed to eat these items, but are we able to take them if it's for medicinal purposes? Thanks!

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There are other probiotics out there, and you should be able to find some that are completely compliant. Here's an older article that mentions a couple of brands, but it is an older article, and formulations change, so they may not be compliant anymore, but it is a place to start:  http://whole9life.com/2012/04/probiotics-101/ 

You can also include things like fermented vegetables (sauerkraut and kimchi and fermented pickles like Bubbie's brand are the most common, but you can ferment pretty much any vegetable if you want to do it yourself), and kombucha.

Ultimately, it is up to you. We'd recommend looking for something that is compliant, but you're an adult. We can't say to what degree this will affect your Whole30 results -- maybe a little, maybe a lot, maybe not at all. 

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