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What is alfalfa, really?


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I have a powdered green juice product (by Organixx) and all of the ingredients seem really great, except for alfalfa grass. I'm honestly not sure what alfalfa is. When you Google alfalfa all that shows up are claims of "amazing health benefits" but is it really a good thing to consume? Is it inflammatory? Is it grass or hay or a legume? 


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@jessicagoodliffe Aside from whether alfalfa grass is compliant, the stevia leaf extract in this product is not so it would not be permitted.  It also contains "sprouted purple maize (seed)" which is a sneaky way of labelling corn, also not permitted on the program.

Also know that we highly discourage products like this even if it was compliant. You'll have better results by just eating a varied and colorful amount of real food. 

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