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Ingredient Confusion


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Okay, I need help.  I'm trying really hard to follow this super limiting difficult Whole30.  I feel like everything I use is secretly sneaking ingredients in.  I don't want to hang out with friends and I never want to go out because I feel like restaurants are sneaking things in I don't realize and I will screw up unintentionally.  So to spices I read my labels and see that they either don't have ingredients list, or they say (for example): coarse salt, spices including chili pepper, paprika, dehydrated onion and garlic.  Some don't even have an ingredient list? Does this mean they are secretly hiding MSG? Do I have to buy all new spices?  So many people on here say "most spices contain MSG". I'm just so frustrated....

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MSG is not something they can hide, it has to be disclosed. If the ingredients list is fine the spice is fine. If there are no ingredients on a single item (eg; garlic), it's safe. If they add things to It, they have to disclose that. 

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