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Hi, my name is Andria, and I am a sugar addict....(1/1/13 first Whole30)

Guest Andria

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So, I have been feeling kind of weird last few days. Almost like I get through each day second guessing whether I really made it through the day without a cheat or a slip up. Now, I know the worst slip up I have had was a tea that had a little soy lecithin in it. I am not going to sweat that. It's almost like I am sailing through the days not really being mindful. Don't get me wrong, by sailing I do NOT mean it's easy. It's a daily battle for me to not eat the sweets in the office. I know I have had some mindless munching of nuts, raisins in the evening, whereas the first week I was conscious of the time I finished each meal and consciously decided to not eat afterward (unless, for some reason I was still hungry).

I plan to recommit to being mindful. A practice, I like to think, I use during my yoga practice. I think the point, though, is to be mindful always and not just during yoga.

I have seen some people posting lately in their log what they are grateful for; I must have missed this recommendation, but I will list some things I am grateful for:

1. being able to provide myself with wonderful, good quality food

2. still being compliant in this whole30. I really feel like I can complete this, whereas when I started I wasn't so sure

3. being able to go 7 hrs between meals w/out snacking!!!! (This isn't intentional; just happens @ work)

4. the next 4 days off from work. I. WILL. RELAX.


6:00am wake/10:40 bed (I don't know what it is with 10:40 but I can't seem to get into bed before that time!)

B: 1 hb egg, 1 Applegate sausage, raw arugula, salsa, blk coffee

L: (7 hrs after Bfast!) 1 Applegate sausage, 1 egg, ghee, cauliflower sauteed, Bubbies sauerkraut, raw celery, few frozen strawberries and a few slices peach, spoonful nut butter

Post wo: 1/2 tin salmon; 1/2 small sw potato

D: 8oz burger/no bun of course (ordered in from restaurant; assumed it was grilled, didn't ask what it was cooked in); raw mixed salad, evoo/balsalmic homemade dressing, sauteed mushrooms, onions in ghee, 1/2 small sweet potato, sparkling water w/ lime

Before bed: still felt hungry so finished the other 1/2 tin of salmon. I believed myself that i was hungry and not craving since salmon sounded good! Not the best thing to do b/f bed, but I had an intense weight workout and already feeling sore.

Physical: pinpoint sharp pain in left foot, laterally. Different from the pain I assume has been plantar fascitis. Super tired as of 9pm. Need to take the hint and GO. TO.BED.

Got a great intense workout in this afternoon. Wish I had also walked this AM. I may just have to bite the bullet and wake up earlier now that I have to be at work an hour earlier; I don't want to sacrifice sleep, though.

Emotional/mood: some things frustrated me at work today, but I was able to make jokes about it and get a good tear inducing laugh out of it rather than stew over it

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Hello Andria! Just checking on your week 2. Don't be so hard on yourself for not walking in the morning. I read some where (maybe Whole9 blog???) that its all about 1. Nutrition then 2. sleep then 3.exercise. In that order. Sometimes you may need your sleep. :)

Can you believe we've completed 1/3 of the Whole30? I'm really proud this will be the longest I've been without sugar in...well in ever!

Keep on the great work. I'm routing for you!

Juzbo- thanks for the words of encouragement. The last day or so have been better. Fewer headaches.

Have a great weekend all!

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I couldnt believe how I felt when I woke up on my first day 4 (soooooo tired) then soooo angry... was quite relieved when I remembered the 'kill all the things' phrase and even had a chuckle as I had dismissed it as bizarre and dramaqueen when I first read about it.

It does help doesnt it when you can be frustrated and angry but also healing enough to realise you are behaving a bit erratically and laugh or cry about it rather than fume!

Keep posting and learning and laughing....

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Oh boy, after reading the day 12 daily email I feel like I could rename my log "Hi, my name is Andria, and I am a stress junkie!!!" Ack, I answered "yes" to almost all the qualifiers!

Gdivant- thank you for that reminder, I know in my heart nutrition and sleep are priority and I really don't want to sacrifice that for exercise. I think I was on a whiny rant more about my work schedule than anything! I don't see myself getting up at 5 am to exercise. If I did that I would have to be in bed by 9pm!

It does feel great to say we are over a 1/3 of the way through this! I hope all is going well for you! These next few days off from work I will take time to read your log.

Juzbo- yes, the ability to realize I am acting out of line or irrational is one step closer to minimizing the behavior.

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Day 12

Ugh, tired! Been on my feet all day. Despite liking to cook, I am getting tired of preparing every meal and cleaning up after cooking. Even when I prepare most of my meals for the week, that day I set aside to do it is dreadful! Definitely do not get it done in that hour that Melissa from Clothesmakesthegirl.com so seamless describes in her cookbook(Well Fed).

Bonus: made ghee!

Not a bonus: wasted time(albeit, not much) making nori crisps....blech!

Kale chips are much better, but, frankly, why do I need to make a perfectly good green into a dried up snack when I shouldn't be snacking in the first place?!

We won't talk about sleep....awful

B: frittata w/ spinach and sundried tomatoes; 1 Applegate sausage; 1/2 banana sauteed in ghee, few strawberries, mango spear; blk coffee

L: chicken breast; veg stir fry in coc oil; blueberries & 1/2 banana 1/2 bottle kombucha, no sugar added

Mini-meal( 2 hrs later, hungry) small piece chicken, cucumber slices, sunbutter, few thin slices pear

D: steak from farm; Well Fed's Belly Dance Beet salad(Yum!); sauteed kale w/ garlic & leeks in coc/olive oil; 1/2 TB sunbutter & cup of strawberries

Physical: energetic in am, tired in afternoon likely d/t poor sleep; left foot pains periodically; Lotsa walking (active rest day) - 1 1/2 hrs throughout day

Emotions: good in am, calm. Grumpy in pm - stressed about preparing food. Go figure, I am stressed about the one thing that is supposed to make me healthier!

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B: cowboy breakfast skillet( chorizo sausage, sweet potatoes topped w/ fried egg! Yum!); slightly steamed arugula; few cubes avocado, blk coffee w/ a little coc cream

L: chicken; small piece leftover frittata; belly dance beet salad; celery; rest of kombcha, apple w/TB sunbutter

D: pan fried cod; stir fry veg; 3/4 c berries; hot cacao (50/50 water/coc milk w/ dash peppermint oil)

Physical: good energy despite poor sleep; digestion catching up today for the lagging it does when I am @ work(finally ordered the NOW brand digestive enzymes...can't believe I can't find them here!); Walked > 1 hr throughout the day; 20 min HIIT workout

Emotional/mood: good :-)

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Wake 6:00(bed 10:40)

Preworkout: leftover cod, olives, grape tomatoes

Bfast/post workout: 3 eggs; arugula salad w/ evoo/balsalmic vinegar; sweet potatoes fried in coc oil; blk coffee

L: 2 salmon Cakes; leftover stir fry veg; small amt leftover sw potato; 1/2 c mixed berries; deaf coffee(wanted something hot & stronger than tea)

D: 1/2 salmon cake while preparing dinner; made small bison burger, acorn squash and green beans. Ate only 1/4-1/3 of meal, not hungry. Sparkling water w/2 tsp bitters for digestion

Snack: few dry roasted pistachios

Physical: good energy. Got a lot done. 35 min walk in am; 23 min HIIT work w/ 4 min Tabata intervals.

Emotions: frustrated easily

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Hi Juzbo thanks for the encouragement. I hope your 100 is going great. I'm still not doing great at minimizing my to do list which leaves me with little time to visit other's logs :-(

Day15..... Became somewhat of a train wreck in the afternoon but still stayed technically compliant

6:00wake(bed 11:30...boo).

B: 1 egg, Applegate sausage, kale, blk coffee

L: leftover bison burger, acorn squash (body temp low -96.5yikes!- I haven't had this happen in a while so made sure I ate plenty of starch), salad, berries

Snack(not even a snack, this was stress eating had two issues back-to-back) packet of Artisana coconut butter and dates ; sparkling water

Snacked on some veggies while cooking for the week ( which is also stressful for me when I want to just sit down and relax)

D: roasted tandoori spiced chicken (2small drums & 1 leg thigh), tiny sweet potato, sauteed kale w/ leeks

Ate some pistachios and a couple more bites of dates....argh!

Physical: cold. Low body temp. Worried about this; I don't want to mess w/ my adrenal or thyroid function. I had a bout of fatigue and low body temp a couple years ago and was hoping I was over it. In the past, my thyroid values have been normal. Hoping this is related to poor sleep and plan on working on it...haven't done very good job at all. Sharp pain in heel tonight(possible from sugar from dates or omega 6 from nuts?) got in an hour of yoga this morning.

Emotions: got mad at the pup twice when she misbehaved...didn't really feel short-fused any other time of the day, though.

Ok. Here it goes: i am going to eliminate nuts/nut butters and dried fruit from the rest of my whole30(32). I don't care for seeds anyway. This will require some planning since I fall back on this at work.

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Been abit average this week due to NUTS so I am with you! Going to make some kale chips but will have them as part of a meal...

Hubby just brought back $300 of meat from the market, I have made a delicious lamb soup for the first time ever using the bones from a butterflied leg.... he also bought me the kale :wub: so feeling chuffed.

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Hey Juzbo that sounds great! That's awesome your hubs is so supportive! My partner is definitely supportive - well, I am the one buying and preparing the food 90% of the time - but he is definitely not doing the Whole30.

Unfortunately, I blew it as of yesterday. Not sure what happened, but was pretty cravy at work and there is no way for me not to be confronted with the junk food while at work. I wonder if the day prior of my going slightly off the rails with nuts and dates due to my weird, but stressful event of that day could have been the trigger...I am SAD, but I will get back on the horse tomorrow. I decided to give myself a limbo day, today, to see if I could wrap my head around the "why" of it....oh yea, I am a sugar addict! and an emtional eater......

The benefit in this, that I can see, is that I will be doing this fresh with the elimination of nuts, their butters and dried fruit and will try to adhere to the no snacking, esp after dinner. I didn't do a good job of being mindful after the first week.

Onward ho! 1/16/13 - 2/18/13

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Thanks Juzbo! Good luck to you.

Day1 restart....I am sad, but it is my own doing that I am having to restart this

B: 1 1/2 scotch egg(yum!); broccoli; blk coffee

L: 2 salmon cakes; leftover beets; 1/2 cup baked sw potatoe; sauteed kale; sparkling water; herbal tea

Mini-meal: small chicken thigh; small handful marinated olives (Well Fed recipe)

D: 1/2 large grass fed steak; 1/3 Japanese sw potato; large raw salad w/ evoo salad dressing; orange; coc butter

Everyday Detox tea w/2 tsp Natural Calm

Now Super Enzyme w/each meal; B complex in am; vit d3 in am; fish oil in pm

Physical: no exercise d/t work hrs. Small amt pain in left foot, but mild considering the past 1 1/2 day bender I just came off

Emotions: ok. Tired, of course

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Juzbo, Thanks for the reminder, no snacking after dinner...dinner was pretty late, just finished 20 min ago


Wake 5:30(lay in bed) sleep@ 10:40

B: 1 1/2 scotch egg; sauteed kale/leeks; ghee; blk coffee

L: 2 salmon patties; mixed salad w/ homemade evoo dressing; broccoli w/ ghee

Mini meal: 2 drumsticks; baked apple w/ cinnamon & coc butter ( wasn't sure i was hungry, but had a weird sensation in belly that felt better after eating the warm apple so I felt I should round things out w/ protein); Holy Basil/ginger herbal tea

D: 1/2 grass fed steak; homemade mayo( md w/ avocado oil..pretty good, hoping it would be a bit thicker); mixed salad( had snacked on carrots leading up to dinner...not the worst snack in the world)

Holy Basil/ginger tea w/2tsp Natural Calm

Nowsuper enzymes w/each meal; b complex & vit d in am; fish oil in pm

Physical: good energy, still not sleeping well(partly the mattress...hopefully will fix this soon). Only activity was 30 min walk in am before work. I love exercising before work but I don't always want to get up at 5:30. Digestion(ie, things moving through) not good for several days( even before falling off the wagon wed&thurs)

Emotions: ok, even. Concerned anxiety was reason I wanted the mini-meal.

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B: 2 eggs; Applegate chick/apple sausage; sauteed kale/leeks; 1/4-1/3 c blueberries, few slices banana, blk coffee

L: homemade Well Fed chili, 1 TB homemade mayo, salad w/ light sprinkling evoo dressing, Yogi licorice tea, 1/2 apple w/cinnamon

D: cod sauteed in coc oil; 1/2 bag frozen mixed frozen veg w/ ghee; sparkling water w/lime juice; 1/2 apple w/cinnamon & 1/2TB coc butter

Supplement as before, except forgot vitd and no fish oil since I had cod today and salmon yesterday

Physical: good energy. Walk in morning/carry groceries home. Housecleaning.

Emotions: even. Bummed out b/c look like put on fat

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Oh and BONUS: My pup's transition onto her own paleo/whole30 regimen is going well. 3 days into raw transition and her stools have already decreased fifty percent in overall daily volume and are looking more look normal dog poo! Just waiting for the improvements in her allergies next!

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