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Whole30 round 3! It’s been a while - my second Whole30 was way back in 2012 (I only know because I was able to find my old posts on this forum). I discovered paleo/primal in 2010 and have been eating primal-ish ever since. 

For most of 2017 I ate very low carb, though probably not low enough to be consistently in ketosis. At Thanksgiving I backslid and didn’t recover till January 1st, when I started a 21-day sugar detox, which went fine but didn’t stick all that well. Just today I’m getting home from a 10-day vacation, during which I ate and drank All The Things. I’m not overweight, but I’ve put on 5-10 pounds since Thanksgiving and am feeling pretty chunky. 

GOALS: losing the extra chunk will just be a bonus. My real goal is to feel more control around food. My sugar dragon is a formidable foe. I love desserts. While low-carbing last year I made keto desserts fairly regularly and had just as poor control with them as with sugary desserts. I also eat eat when not hungry, when bored, and just because I know a tempting food is there. Tempting foods occupy a lot of my brain (should I eat X? Should I allow myself another serving of X?). I do better with inviolable rules so that the decision is taken right out of my hands (X is not an option so I don’t have to even think about it).

More about me: I’m 51, a nurse, and a newly certified health coach. I have celiac disease and (former!) chronic migraines. Other issues I hope to see improvement with: headaches, energy, sleep. Extra self-imposed rule for the month: no nuts or nuts butters as snacks. They are absolutely food with no breaks for me. Nuts or nut butters as ingredients in things will be allowed, but no handfuls of nuts or spoonfuls of nut butter. 

I’m ready. Let’s do this!

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Day one done! We drove home from spending the night near the Boston airport after a wonderful 10 days on St. John in the US Virgin Islands.

Lunch was from the hot bar at Whole Foods. So easy! Every ingredient listed! If only eating out was always so easy. I had grilled salmon, arugula, roasted veggies, guacamole, and a few nuts (just a few!).

Dinner was baked chicken thighs with Sunshine Sauce from the Whole30 book, roasted sweet potato noodles, and kale chips.

After 10 days of decadent eating and drinking, it feels good to get back to simpler food.

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Day two done! Got some meal prep done: made mayo and some cute little prosciutto egg cups for my work breakfasts. 

Breakfast: leftover salmon and roasted garlic, 2 eggs fried in ghee and garlic, sautéed carrots, kimchi, and homemade mayo.

Lunch: light lunch, since breakfast was late. Green broth - bone broth, coconut milk, collagen, spinach, parsley, cilantro, lemon, and turmeric, whizzed up in the Vitamix.

Snack: homemade strawberry kombucha

Dinner: ground beef browned with onion, garlic, and carrots over roasted cauliflower and broccoli and raw spinach, topped with Sunshine Sauce and parsley.

I’ve been eating in a 16/8 window most of the timefor the past few months. I think the data on intermittent fasting is robust, and I have very mixed feelings about eating breakfast - but I’m willing to give it a shot!


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Day 3 done! I got a headache last night which lasted through early afternoon, but that’s not unusual for me. We were short at work, so I didn’t get to eat anything till 12:30 - so much for my new policy of eating breakfast. 

Lunch: two chicken drumsticks with homemade mayo, salad, avocado.

Snacks: kombucha at work, when I was really craving something snack-y - the end of the workday is one of the toughest times for craving. Then frozen blueberries with coconut milk when I got home, which was VERY good... too good? I can see that getting me into trouble.

Dinner: Thai beef curry. I ate quite a bit more coconut milk while cooking. I finally stuck the spoon with raw meat juice on it into the can so I couldn’t eat any more. :rolleyes:

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Hey Annika,

So far I'm loving reading your log. We started right about the same time (I started on Monday), so I'll be cheering you on through the whole thirty days!

Also those prosciutto egg cups look delicious!


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Hi Roonster! Thanks for reading! The prosciutto egg cups turned out great! But they sure were a lot more work to prepare than my usual hard-boiled eggs with fish roe.

Another headachy day at work. At least I got a breakfast break today, although I had to eat my lunch in two sittings because we had an emergency case (I’m an operating room nurse).

Breakfast: 2 prosciutto egg cups

Lunch: same as yesterday: chicken drumsticks with homemade mayo, salad, avocado 

Snack: kombucha

Dinner: same as yesterday, LOL! Leftover beef curry. I put it over raw spinach and had lots of fresh basil and cilantro. Yum! Leftovers rule and make meal prep SO much easier. I don’t mind eating the same thing a few nights in a row. I’ve never tried batch cooking but it seems like a good idea.

Prep: I took a whole chicken out of the freezer to roast tomorrow, and I have plenty of prosciutto egg cups for work breakfasts, and two work lunches of leftover curry.

i miss nuts. They make such an instant snack.

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Day 5 is in the bag! I had the day off from work. An easy day with good energy and no cravings!

Breakfast: egg scramble with mushrooms, garlic, and spinach, kimchi, mayo, smoked salmon.

Lunch: leftover ground beef, avocado, some Mexican-spiced fermented cabbage stuff (I forgot the name), spinach, Cholula mayo, Trader Joe’s Hatch green chile salsa. 

Snack: kombucha 

Dinner: roast chicken & veggies 

Every time I’ve made mayo in the past, it’s gone bad before I’ve had a chance to use it up, so I’ve been eating mayo with All The Things.

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I’ve thought of allowing just raw, unsalted nuts. They would certainly be easier to limit than almond butter or salted nuts - I can eat a LOT of those. I’ll consider raw nuts more carefully if I feel like I need another snack option. I don’t want to be unnecessarily restrictive.

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Day 6 done! Another good and easy day.

Breakfast: prosciutto egg cup

Lunch: leftover beef-veggie curry, salad, avocado.

Snack: kombucha, plus a lot of coconut milk while cooking dinner.

Dinner: chicken-veggie curry

Snacking while making dinner is a bad habit I have. By dinner time I’m not hungry. That doesn’t stop me from eating my whole dinner though....

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Days 7 and 8 done, much the same. I did have some plain almond butter today, which is against my self-imposed rule. I was making a sauce with almond butter  for tomorrow and, after thinking about it, decided it would be ok to lick the spoon. Damn, it was like hitting a crack pipe. Huge rush of deliciousness. But I did not redip! Licked the spoon clean and I was done. I call that a win!

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11 hours ago, Annika said:

Days 7 and 8 done, much the same. I did have some plain almond butter today, which is against my self-imposed rule. I was making a sauce with almond butter  for tomorrow and, after thinking about it, decided it would be ok to lick the spoon. Damn, it was like hitting a crack pipe. Huge rush of deliciousness. But I did not redip! Licked the spoon clean and I was done. I call that a win!

Definitely a win :) Take them where you can get them. Just don't get complacent and start thinking that almond butter isn't a food with no brakes for you, haha.

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23 minutes ago, Roonster said:

Just don't get complacent and start thinking that almond butter isn't a food with no brakes for you, haha.

No! If anything, thing was a solid demonstration that almond butter is absolutely an issue for me. It’s too bad because it’s SO DAMN GOOD. After my Whole30 I’ll try having it as a snack again, like on an apple, but portion it out of the jar into a bowl first so I don’t just go to town on the jar like I usually do. :rolleyes:

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