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Tessemae's Whole30 Starter


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Hi all! 

I have tried searching this on other forums but couldn't find anything. My husband is having a hard time with the dressings and I am terrible at making them (I have not been successful at creating the Mayo, which as we all know is the main staple of other dressings). He sent me a link to some dressings that claim to be Whole30 Approved. Can y'all tell me what you think? The only thing that really stood out was the "Date Syrup".



Thank you!

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This is fine - here's an explanation from Melissa - looks like the 'syrup' label is still on the site but it's fine

  • melissa_hartwig
  •  After speaking with the @tessemaes team this morning and discussing the technical difference (for Whole30 purposes) between "date syrup" and "date puree," they have decided to returning to the original labeling. They expressed how important it was to them that these products remain Whole30 Approved! **I have confirmed that the fruit used in their BBQ and Ketchup have ALWAYS been just dates, water, and lemon juice, so those of you who got the newer-labeled bottles are still fine!** I'm so happy to be partnered with people like Tessemae's, who are so committed to supporting the Whole30 community.
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