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Endometriosis and Interstitial Cystitis- Whole 30 Help

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Hi friends,

I just recently started the Whole 30 Diet about a week ago and it has been good, however I have been experiencing some pain and cramping in my lower abdomen and in my lower back, as well as being fatigued often. I got diagnosed with endo and IC about 2 years ago and have had two surgeries. I was wondering if any of you with endo and/or IC have experienced some pain/fatigue/cramping once you started the Whole 30 diet? My pain isn't to the point where it is crippling, but it is definitely hard to keep up and I am debating whether or not I should modify the Whole 30 diet or stop it all together? I am contacting my doctor on Monday to consult with him, but would love any feedback/advice/testimonials from the Whole 30 community!



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What do you think it is about what you're eating that might be giving you endo pain?  Do you think this is from a detox type reaction?  What was your diet like prior to Whole30?  Are you eating a lot of something like raw veggies or nuts that could be causing bloat and cramping that is exacerbating your endo pain?  If you stopped the whole30 and went back to your way of eating prior, what are you going to be removing that might be contributing to the pain and what are you going to add back that might help the pain?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Might of been if you were having foods not IC friendly. For IC, there is so many unsafe triggers which are often found in a "healthy" way of eating. The ICN (IC Network) has a specific diet for IC, and acid is big. A lot of the things we think might be healthy for us - might make chronic illness worse, if we are not careful about restrictions. How are you now? Did you find out what it was, causing it? - Stacey


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just referred to Whole 30 by my new PT as a good anti inflammatory diet. Recent diagnosis of IC, but probably there for decades, IBS and fibromyalgia, again, decades. Just beginning to get my head around the changes that need to happen, but obviously what I have been doing all these years may not be right.  This recent flare in abdominal pain is nearly disabling, so I think I have a motivator!! I will add comparisons against IC triggers. Thanks for the heads up. 

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