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So! Today I feel like I got back into the swing of things; I was in a bit of a blue funk for some reason or another. Today I cooked. A lot. It's so cold here and all I want to do is hibernate and you cannot hibernate without some wicked good dark chocolate. So I cooked with dark cocoa instead. It's still ruddy cold though.

Today I made a Rosemary Pork Rib Roast; roasted brussels sprouts, carrots and apples; emergency protein for the week (spiced mince); and Chocolate Chili. Everything is great. I feel a bit more at peace with the world now; no joke--or at least my inner demon who was having a wobbly for whatever reason these past few days.

I'm going to do a yoga round in about an hour, too, just because I feel like it.

Still awaiting the arrival of the Vitamix container, so I am really missing my coconut milk, because I am stubborn and will not go to the shops and just buy some. I have to suffer a bit instead (Sigh!).

Happy rest of the weekend, everyone!

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Rosemary Pork Rib Roast? I'm sorry, what? I'm going to need to make some of that one of these cold Sundays! Last night for my husband's birthday I made the Citrus Carnitas from Well Fed. HOLY MOLY. So good. Can't wait to chow down on that for lunch! I would have had it for breakfast, but I really wanted to make a spinach/tomato sauce/egg bake. YUM.

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SB--Rosemary pork roast was nothing short of awesomeness on a plate. :D

Now...rant alert:

So today, I had a trip to chaperone to Chinese New Year (yes, it's early, but heyho). As part of all the wonderful celebrations, there was a Chinese BUFFET. Sigh. I stood in the queue just KNOWING there would be nothing I could eat. I thought, maybe I can pull the stuffing out of the dumplings and eat that? Nope. How about the chicken? Drenched in sauce (no doubt yummy, but not chancing it). Ooh! Steamed veg? I could do that? Nope. Absolutely. Nothing. And WHY...you may ask? Because I asked the staff, just as an offhand confirmation--"so, there's no sugar in the veg, here, right?" And HERE was my answer: "Oh, no there is a bit of sugar in everything." EVERYTHING!!! What the devil is sugar doing in the ruddy VEG??? Everything. Abso-bloody-lutely insane.

PS--Self censoring the above paragraph was not fun. My vocabulary was much more entertaining earlier, when lovely husband fetched me from the train to get me to some real food... :rolleyes:

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Ugh! What is up with sugar in everything? I would think they would have SOMETHING compliant. How frustrating. On the bright side, you stuck to your guns so you should be super proud of yourself! I'm going to a conference in a month where lunch is provided and I just know there won't be anything. Going to have to get a paleokit or two and some sliced veggies!!

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But bigger news is: MY VITAMIX REPLACEMENT ARRIVED! Huzzah!

Had to register for a conference next month, and it asked if I had any dietary restrictions. I said: gluten and sugar free... ;)

I'm feeling quite good, so I am not intending on introducing anything quite yet. I am stepping on a scale just because I am curious. Don't know if I've lost weight or it's been better reapportioned--I suspect that is it, as trousers etc fit differently. I'll continue to check in here--hope to see many of my W30ers in the future as well! :)

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Wahoo Day 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my pants are loose, so I'm eager to see what the scale says tomorrow. I've already started planning ahead for a conference I have to go to in March. PaleoKits FTW! (Since they were not kind enough to ask if I had any dietary restrictions... dang South)

I hope you're feeling pretty proud of yourself today. We did it! And it was awesome!

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Be wary of your italian sausage--it's hard to come by many brands with no sugar! If you have a specific brand you buy, share! :-)

I found a bulk or link option at Whole Foods with no soy, no sugar, no binders in their meat department. It's just spice, meat, some fats from the meat. I was so excited to find this sausage because I was tired of avoiding the tasty goodness due to sugar. Especially HFCS that is all over meats these days. (Why are "civilized" people so into covering perfectly delish meats with sugars?)

As for my slow cooker, I roast up a chicken each weekend and make bone broth all week - two full batches from one chicken. I want to invest in a digital slow cooker very soon so I can set a timer and let the machine run all day, then turn warm thereafter. My current slow cooker doesn't have a warm setting, just low and high cook settings. I risk burning or overcooking meals since I work 10+ hour days. So far the weekend roasting/cooking/prep sessions have worked so my hubby can pop food into the oven, reheat things on the stove, or throw together a few prepped items in a sautee pan when I call him from the car with *specific instructions*. The digital slow cooker has been agreed upon by both of us as the next big purchase (along with a 2nd chef's knife to make weekend prep that much easier).

I am on Day 23 and things are kicking along nicely. I started my menses a few days early (sorry if too much info) and I am a bit concerned about my typical dark chocolate craving... so I am treating myself to a grass-fed bunless burger at lunch, rather than the chicken salad that's in the work fridge. I have a feeling that the red meat will help this gal out.

This Whole9 group has been so useful for encouragement and support. I will definitely follow your Pinterest page!

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Day 31: It seems that a stomach bug of some sort is meandering through our house. Not a bad one, but everyone has aches, sore throat, icky tummy, but not enough to be sick and stay in bed. So I figured, may as well stay compliant during this time. How will I know otherwise if it's just being a bit under the weather or a specific food?

So, today I had my morning egg, lox and spinach with an apple (yummy)

this afternoon I had the brined chicken that I love so much (http://pinterest.com/pin/168533211027545974/) along with carrots and tomatoes

and tonight I had a great creation! We had some of the rosemary pork roast left over, so this is what I did:

saute in a bit of ghee a punnet of mushrooms, a sliced red onion, and a couple of scoops of chopped, sun dried tomatoes in olive oil. Cut the pork cut into thin strips, add to the mix. Oh and some chopped rainbow chard. Once simmering, pour some bone broth over that, and then a cup or so of coconut milk (did I say how happy I was Monsieur Vitamix is back?). Add just a bit of water with arrowroot powder already mixed in to thicken the sauce...I think that was it. Gorgeous!

I did not exercise this week yet, which is rough. Energy really low--but I feel like I would have been properly wiped eating any other way, so I am happy for that. But some kind of exercise would be good...maybe I'll do something tonight yet.

I will be keeping up with here, and I've finally got together the frame of my blog (that was a goal I had). Probably need another W30 to get into the habit of posting--lol!

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Now...rant alert:

So today, I had a trip to chaperone to Chinese New Year (yes, it's early, but heyho). As part of all the wonderful celebrations, there was a Chinese BUFFET. Sigh. I stood in the queue just KNOWING there would be nothing I could eat. I thought, maybe I can pull the stuffing out of the dumplings and eat that? Nope. How about the chicken? Drenched in sauce (no doubt yummy, but not chancing it). Ooh! Steamed veg? I could do that? Nope. Absolutely. Nothing. And WHY...you may ask? Because I asked the staff, just as an offhand confirmation--"so, there's no sugar in the veg, here, right?" And HERE was my answer: "Oh, no there is a bit of sugar in everything." EVERYTHING!!! What the devil is sugar doing in the ruddy VEG??? Everything. Abso-bloody-lutely insane.

PS--Self censoring the above paragraph was not fun. My vocabulary was much more entertaining earlier, when lovely husband fetched me from the train to get me to some real food... :rolleyes:

That's good to know! I'm ordering lunch for the Chinese new year celebration we're having this Friday at work. Guess I should plan to bring my lunch anyway...

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Did you start a post log?

Hey SB...I did NOT start a post W30 log--in fact I was just saying elsewhere that I think I did not because deep down I knew a W30 #2 was imminent! I start tomorrow, Feb 13 on W30 number TWO! This time, I'm doing it in conjunction with my eldest daughter--which should be interesting. She's a teenager, with all the wonderful character traits that comes with that age :ph34r:. I think this will be a VERY interesting 30 days...so watch this space for the log continuation of what's in store for the next W30 for me! I've learned a LOT over the past two weeks. I'm eager to jump back into the next W30 though. Even though I ventured off plan sparingly, I find I feel/perform/recover much, much better the stricter I am...and I think that for the most part W30 is completely sustainable. That I was VERY happy to welcome bacon back into my life these past few weeks! lol

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So tomorrow is Day 1 of W30 #2. Doing this with Teen #1, as a form of support (and because I now know I operate much better within the strict confines of a W30--I know what I look forward to having post W30, but I'm not fussed about it at the mo. So...what I will do differently this time around. Here goes.

#1: I have some definite goals this time around (yeah, I'll get around to listing them, shortly).

#2: I will include my workout/activities this time around, too (it will make me accountable for the above).

In the meantime, happy day ZERO...here's to tomozz!

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Happy 13th. We've got more snow on the way, and only just dug out...gah!

M1: Courgette and egg (more exciting than I've made it sound), and a bulletproof coffee.

M2: Turkey stew and a pear

Water through the day!

M3: Tom Denham's Butter Chicken (pinned here: Butter Chicken) with green beans and cauliflower rice. Tom is a moderator on this forum, but also has a brilliant blog and recipe site: www.wholelifeeating.com Definitely worth dipping into when you need some inspiration or something good to eat.

I'm intending on going to the gym from 8p tonight, since I have to be Minicab-Mum, so I don't know what Post WO meal I might have in store. I need to look into some ideas, I think...I'll update once I return...!

Update: cazy stupid hard slog through 5km, so no pwo meal for me. It was like I was fighting every step. Hate it when that happens...

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M1: broccoli rabe wrapped in prosciutto and an egg. So. Freaking. Good. BP coffee.

M2: last nights butter chicken, a red pepper, and a small handful of almonds and dried cranberries.

M3: Happy Valentine's! Red Thai curry--tomato and prawn with tons of other yummy stuff in it.

M4: yes, four today. Dunno. Went with the rule was I hungry enough for fish and broccoli? I thought that sounded pretty good. So I had a bit of smoked whitefish and a bowl of mixed greens. Splash of blueberry balsamic.after that I was good. BUT:

NO activity today. That was rough. I think the cold and ice and snow is making me want to hibernate. Not good. Well, tomorrow's another day...

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M1: more smoked whitefish and mixed greens, as well as carrots, tomatoes and a splash of balsamic

M2: Thai curry and an apple

teeny snack--was so excited about the pot roast we made overnight for dinner that I had to try a little...teehee. And then there was an avocado and a BP coffee in the mix, too. Huh.

M3: pot roast with a bit of sweet potato and a big salad. It was yummy.

I am so tired today. I am sure that if I did some form of activity I'd feel better, but I am so cold...and so TIRED of being cold...I just want to crawl into bed. Honestly, I think I may do that, and start fresh tomorrow. It's Day 3 and whilst I haven't had any cravings I think I am experiencing some carb flu. That was the last bit I reintroduced post W30 #1: gluten by way of massive quantities of (homemade) PIZZA and lots of BEER. I think it's just working its way out of my system...kind of crazy.

Bought Well Fed today on my kindle. So, I think I will crawl under the sheets and duvets and read. Hey, at least I would be getting a full 8 hours...!

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I. Can't. Drink. Beer. That was first thing i reintroduced and... my body hates it. Meanwhile my brain says, this is delicious tasty yumminess, until I get a raging headache and my eyelids swell O.o

Yeah...sounds like you should give it a pass, LOL. If I had a reaction like that, I suppose I'd learn, but instead, I felt a little like a goldfish--Yummy! Then: Icky. Later: Yummy! Then: Icky. So much for that two day re introduction.

PS I didn't bother to tell anyone around here what I was up to with a second W30 either. Didn't see a point, they've got used to me eating one way by now, so it makes it easier than starting the explanations as to why I'm doing a 2nd one all over!

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Damn! I forgot to take a foodie glam shot of M3. I was all set to do so, but the food looked so good and we all were hungry, so...

M1: Crazed (and crazy) start to the day, so had a quick hot 'cereal' mix of pepitas, flax, walnuts, almonds, and coconut ground up and mixed with water, apples and a bit of ghee. Meant to have an egg at the same time, but literally had to RUN out the door.

M2: Big bowl of that red thai curry. The gift that keeps on giving. A few pieces of banana that someone left on the cutting board in the kitchen.


We did a HUGE shop today. Seriously. I felt a little ill at how much change we dropped, but we had really run things way down in both the pantry and fridge, and the freezer has tumbleweeds in it, and currently there are THREE WHOLE30'ers in the house! WOW! It's like the evil plan is working. Sadly the two outliers left have dug their heels in and are enjoying their evil ways immensely. Luckily, I have bigger heels. That's all I'm sayin'.

ANYWAY, M3: Mixed greens, burger cooked with mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes, topped with guac, and homemade mayo--and a big glass oh water! I am full!

Tomorrow I am going to try Well Fed's Cooking WOD. I had a giggle over that--but seriously a great idea. I even got more containers today in anticipation. But for now, I bid you all a good night--I'm finishing a film, reading a bit and heading to bed!

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Hi! Welcome back to the tales of super shopping. Our sojourn continued today with two--no THREE--more (albeit quick) shops! However, I can most definitely say we are COMPLETELY stocked. For a while.

I think what has happened is having gone from one person eating totally clean to three eating W30 has changed the balance some. My first W30 everyone basically had dinner a la W30, more or less. Ah, the control of the cook...

Now, 3/5 of the household is clean eating 24/7. And I am trying to be way more ahead of the curve this time, so that the roundabout of cook, eat, clean, cook, eat, clean is more efficient, less roundabout-esque! Today, Daughter 1 got in on the action of cooking and prep...and is currently sat next to me on her mac pinning and exploring W30. Brill!

Okay, so here's how food went for today:

M1: Shredded beef with peppers, mushroom, onions and egg. Bullet proof coffee.

M2: Marrow Bone yumminess! With a salad. This was actually a bit overwhelming today. So to counteract, I got busy...

Activity: Ran a mile (I know, paltry--but it was to warm up) and then a major yoga sesh. Felt worlds better after that!

M3: mid Well Fed cooking WOD, we did a double batch of the grilled chicken thighs, and made half into chicken fried rice with the starter recipe here. Switched the 'veg' to broc slaw, because it was quick and we were hungry! Add to this was brussel sprouts with mushrooms and onions. In all, there was enough for the 5 of us, plus easily another 3 meals or more...well that's handy. Had a bit of an indulgence with a BP coffee after dinner, too, whilst I sit and write up today! :)

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Hi everyone. Something cool happened this morning: My husband is singing W30 praises to all and sundry. As an actor and writer, he'll shout it a bit louder than I do; it's his profession--and an article he wrote just last night was picked up by the fab website, Medium. His Whole30 got a shout out--how cool is that? Here's the article, if you're interested:

Easy As Pie

Just thought I'd share!

He wrote about when they started their W30 here: Sugar in My Guac

I'm including them here, because I think it's interesting to see this journey through their eyes. Eyes wide open...in shock, I think...

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