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Nanette's whole30 log


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Day 11 and I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee - no butter

Herbal Tea

GF beef summer sausage (uncured)

Avocado salad w/heirloom lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, arugula


Ham Casserole (ham, eggs *trying them again I miss them so much), red bell pepper, sweet potato shredded)

Green beans

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Day 12

Big day today for a friend of mine - she's having a Baby! And we're having a Baby Shower for her.

I had quite a time buying her presents. She registered at Target. With list in hand I tackled the 6 aisles of "baby stuff". I don't have any children - so I had to read every label . . . 2 hours later I think I got the things she wanted?

Anyway, I'm prepared for the CAKE and GOODIES that will be on display. I say Display, because I'm bringing my own, just in case stash with cut up veggies and sunshine sauce, some summer sausage. My friend is used to my way of eating. As far as the rest of the guests are concerned, I don't mind the questions, hopefully they won't mind the answers. I just try not to talk about why I don't eat the food they're stuffing their faces with - tends make folks feel assaulted and insulted.

Really glad my husband liked the Ham Casserole I made last night, 'cause it didn't like me. TMI to divulge about the results, suffice it to say my body is not ready for eggs, yet. I refuse to give up hope because I love them so much . . .

I'm planning on starting some bone broth this weekend. I have a lot going on with this baby shower and my husband's birthday is tomorrow, plus it's my day to pick up our local meat & chicken from the farm. Grateful to have the energy to accomplish all these things, right? Right.

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Day 13

I have been really tired lately. By the time I get everything done in the evening I can't keep my eyes open to watch an hour or so of TV, I am literally falling into bed.

Today is my husband's birthday. Yes, I got him a cake, his fave at Whole Foods. It's a small 5" cake - he really loves it. He IS NOT on Whole30, and I don't plan to have any. I'm taking him out to brunch at his favorite restaurant, then surprising him with a gift certificate to Hausermann's Orchids. They are one of the largest producing orchid places in the US. We both love orchids and keep a couple of plants around the house. He will spend hours there sorting through all the varieties . . .

I'll have the salmon salad, bring my own dressing - it's all good. I love birthdays

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Day 14

Starting to feel a little better today. Getting rid of H pylori is not easy. I'm anxious to feel the difference in my energy levels. I thought the last time I did Whole30 that my energy levels were great. I didn't lose a lot of weight - maybe this time after I finish this protocol. I continue to be bloated and "gassy" while I'm taking these supplements.

8 hour day today at work. At least I'm not tired like I was last week when I wasn't sleeping well. I slept another 8 hours and 45 minutes last night.

I'm packing left overs today. Grilled hamburger, brussel sprouts, some olives, avocado, cucumbers and tomatoes. I think I need more veggies. I was reading over my log this morning, I def need more veggies.

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Day 14

Today I ate:

Bulletproof coffee no butter

Herbal Tea

Grilled hamburger

brussel sprouts


avocado cucumber and tomato salad

Flat iron steak

Sauteed power greens w/onions and garlic

Feeling less and less hungry thru out the day now. Really pleased about that! By 3pm I started feeling tired though, not as energetic as I was this morning. Really looking forward to getting rid of this infection . . .

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Day 15

Thanks to Derval - I finally have a pic of my Bulletproof Coffee:


I love my Aeropress Coffeemaker - it actually makes an espresso, depending on how much water you put into it. I froth some coconut milk with some water and cinnamon and Bulletproof MCT Oil while the water is boiling for my espresso and then combine the two. The Aeropress looks like this:


It's kind of hard to see in this pic, but the tube on the left with the numbers is where the water goes. At the bottom of the tube is where the coffee grinds go with a filter paper. I put this tube over my glass like this:


Then I add the boiling water, stir is up a little bit then I plunge the water through with the plunger:


It seems complicated at first, and I screwed it up a lot at first - but like anything else, once a person gets the hang of it, it's really simple and makes the best d**n freshest ever coffee.

It's my day with Sally. And, it's going to be a cold one. I've got to get my act together to make some brisket with a good broth and some veggies. Eating cold left overs isn't as easy as I thought it would be, especially when it's so cold outside.

My tummy's feeling better today and my energy levels are good this morning. Maybe the worst of this detoxing H.pylori is over . . .

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Thanks Derval especially for the help ;)

Long day in Kenosha today. We did a lot of shopping for a new mailbox to new window blinds and De-icer salt for the driveway.

Today I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee

Herbal Tea

Grilled hamburger w/homemade ketchup and Sauteed Veggies


Cut up Veggies and Sunshine Sauce

We had dinner out tonight at our fave restaurant and I ordered the Hearts of Palm Salad w/ avocado and tomato

and Pot Roast with root veggies and green beans (substituted green beans for mashed potatoes) . I took half of everything home so I have lunch tomorrow at work :D .


The Hearts of Palm Salad had a lime vinaigrette on it with a little olive oil. It's why we love this restaurant so much they are totally willing to work with us.

I've got a nice big chicken out that I'll start roasting tomorrow in my crockpot. NomNomPaleo has a great chicken crockpot recipe I added to my Springpad a couple of weeks ago - anxious to try it out.

Still feeling a little bloated from these supplements but had much better energy today, consistent all day long.

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Day 16

Live and learn. It really pays to keep a food log and include all the supplements one is taking too! Apparently I was taking too many probiotics - once we cut back to 1 a day - guess what - all my stomach issues began to subside. Not to say this one supplement for H. pylori isn't kicking my a** around the block, but, the bloating has subsided and I'm getting much more regular - if you know what I mean . . . :)

It felt reallly good to know I had a dinner - I didn't have to prepare, ready to go for lunch today. I cut up some more veggies and used up the last of my sunshine sauce.


I love these containers, they come in a bunch of colors and have a flat twist on lid so I can store a bunch of veggies in them. They scrunch down flat when they're empty for really easy storage. I got them at the Container Store:


Long day at work today . . .

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Day 17

I did not sleep as well last night. Had some more "evacuation" issues yesterday evening. Boy will I be glad when this H.pylori stuff is over and done with.

I'm finding that eating lots of fat really irritates my stomach. When I stick to fish and chicken, leaner cuts of beef and pork, I do much better. Speaking of fish, I just got some wild caught salmon from vital choice, can't wait to try a salmon cake recipe I downloaded from Balanced Bites.

Tangerines don't seem to bother me much at all and neither does my morning Bulletproof Coffee w/ coconut milk and MCT oil. I plan to do a liver flush this weekend. No work tomorrow, YAY!

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Day 17 and I ate:

Bulletproof Coffee

Black Tea


Chicken breast w/bacon


Crockpot shredded pork

Avocado, romaine lettuce, salsa, olives, cucumbers, onions

Finally, my tummy settled down this afternoon, nausea gone, bloating and gas, way reduced. I hate to get too optimistic, but I feel like I may be turning a corner with this H.pylori infection. I've got another 40 days of supplements to take yet.

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Day 18

It feels so good not to have to be somewhere at 8am. I know, spoiled right? Well I figure at the ripe old age of 61 (soon to be 62) I can reserve the right to want to be retired, not in 3 years, but TODAY! In this economy, I need to remember to go to gratitude that I can bring home some extra cash. Gratitude works every time. So buck up and quit complaining about what you don't have and love what you've got!

We have our women's meeting this morning. I love this meeting. When "we" get together to focus on discussing a topic near and dear to us - the sky's the limit in what we can learn from each other.

Finally sleeping at least 8 hours a night now at about 97 - 98% efficiency. And, I'm feeling a little better each day - so today I feel a lot better than I did a week ago. My tummy still feels a little achey, but not nauseous like it used to. My appetite, or I should say, my wanting certain foods like protein, roasted veggies, soup made with homemade bone broth, has increased and my wanting certain foods like salty chips and dip, chocolate anything, popcorn with loads of salt, has decreased. I'm liking this a lot ;).

My chicken bone broth will be finished today. When I get back from our meeting, aside from tackling my laundry that's piled up the last 7 days - I plan to make a veggie stew with carrots, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, green beans, onions, garlic and celery. I got some extra sausage from our farmer this last Sunday at our pick up, she had a buy 3 get 1 free - so I'm looking forward to finding some recipes for Italian Sausage and some Breakfast Sausage with root vegetable hash for lunches and breakfasts.

Can't figure out why some folks would consider this diet to be boring - there's way more veggies out there I haven't tasted yet than types of breads or pastas, right?

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Day 18 and I Ate:

Bulletproof Coffee no butter

Black Tea


Grassfed Beef Hot Dog (uncured)

Green Beans

Homemade Ketchup


Tuna Salad w/ celery, carrots, onions, olives, Homemade Mayo on bed of romaine lettuce

I ate dinner early - planning on doing a liver flush tonight. I finally found a slot of time I could set aside at least 6 hours in the morning where I don't have to be anywhere and I can finish up the flush. I've done them before - they're not unpleasant - they're just time consuming. I remember feeling really good afterwards, light and energetic. We shall see. . .

Felt nauseous this afternoon for a couple of hours. . .feeling much better now.

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Day 19


Yep, still achy, my poor tummy - the good news - just thinking about sugar or popcorn or ice cream or cake, my usual "go to" foods, my stomach sends a real strong message to my brain - no freaking way! So, something's working inside - even though it's uncomfortable.

I have the most beautiful chicken stock now.


It needs to get really cold now and hopefully - it will have a nice jelly like consistency to it. I plan to make some soups today to help my digestive tract out . . .


and this just makes me happy - beautiful seasonal tangerines ready to grab and go on the counter :-D

I'm seeing a lot of homemade soup in my future - just feels right today. My gal pals turned me onto a new grocer in the area, Cermak Fresh Market - budget worthy veggies - I've been told are organic . . .

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Day 19

I'm going with how I feel today - and today feels like a smoothie day. I haven't done smoothies in a long time - I prefer to chew my food, but right now - I'm feeling the more wholesome, but safely processed (love my Vitamix) before it goes into my mouth, the happier my tummy's going to be ;-)


Sunflower butter, Coconut milk, water 1/2 banana, frozen blueberries


That's my Grannie's doily - she crocheted a lot of these for us kids - always made me feel special for some reason.

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Day 19 and I Ate:

Bulletproof Coffee


Coconut Blueberry Smoothie

Chipotle Bowl w/Chicken, Romaine, Guacomole, Pico DeGallo, Medium Green Salsa


I was really not hungry and had absolutely no energy toward the end of the afternoon. I wandered all over Cermak's Fresh Market and couldn't find anything but some really beautiful plaintains and avocados. I finished my shopping at Whole Food's.

I went to bed really early around 8pm and slept straight thru to 6:45am. Guess my body was exhausted.

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Day 20

Feeling really good this morning. Usually when I sleep that long I feel hung over, kind of, but not this morning.

Had a great kettlebell workout - and fixed a really simple breakfast:


on one of my fave china pieces.

I used to obsess with eating the way a particular diet dictated. There was a time (like even yesterday :o ) I would look at the above breakfast and criticize myself for not having enough protein, having too much fruit, too much fat - not anymore. I'm going to the fridge, looking at what's ready to go and choosing what feels and looks good.

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Miles and Miles of greens . . .


When I was a raw vegan i used spend an hour on Saturdays, after going to the Farmer's Market, washing all my greens. Feels good to be back at it ;).

Did you know that:

"• Kale is high in fiber and low in calories. It aids in digestion and helps keep you regular, (if you know what I mean, lol).

• Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef.

• Kale is packed with Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Vitamin K helps prevent blood clotting and aids in bone health, while Vitamin C helps to maintain joint flexibility.

• There are many antioxidants in kale including flavonoids and carotenoids.

• Kale is an anti-inflammatory food.

• There is more calcium in kale per calorie, than in milk.

• Kale is chock full of sulfur, and along with its high fiber content, kale is an excellent detox food. It will keep your liver nice and healthy."

Per Leaanne Ely at:


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Day 20 and I ate:

Bulletproof coffee, no butter

Black Tea



Sprouted sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Grass fed uncured summer sausage

Dill pickles

Italian Meatballs


Finished my soup, well worth the effort making my own chicken bone broth. It gives out that rich flavor and makes the house smell sooo very good!

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Day 21


From the Paleoista - Green Garlic and Greens - I've got the greens and she has the best recipe I've ever found for greens! I plan to add some tomatoes after they simmered for a few minutes, turn down the heat and let sit for a few minutes. My dh is grilling some turkey drumsticks - ta da! Breakfast.

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Day 21 and I ate:

Bulletproof coffee - no butter

Herbal Tea (lots of it)

Grilled Turkey Leg


Creamy Sweet Potato and Chicken Soup


Italian Meatballs


I had a much better appetite on day 21. Dusted off the old treadmill and took a long walk with my iPod and favorite pod casts from Blog Talk radio. Then dh and I settled in and watched the inauguration festivities . .

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Day 22

We're visiting Sally today. Hopefully not more big boxes of frozen cookies and brownies. As much as I dislike the fact she actually eats this stuff, I dislike the effect it has on me more. My mind says NO and YES at the same time. We don't keep bakery goods in the house and I choose not to make a lot of paleofied cookies and breads - least not now while I'm healing. So, my day with Sally, it's the only time I'm really up close and personal with all my old faves.

She is my mother's sister and has that Danish sweet tooth that's what we always called it. We ended a meal with a piece of pie or cookies or something homemade, usually fruit pie and then a bite of left over meat like ham or beef or chicken, to put the sweet tooth to bed. Never worked for me. I was the one caught with her finger in the pie . . .while helping to clear the table.

Thinking about taking our brisket out of the freezer and crocking it overnight for tomorrow and Thursday. Those Italian meatballs just disappeared . . .

My cat's making it very difficult for me to post today. . .


You can tell who runs things around here . . .

And now there's two . .


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