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(almost) Free of Food Addiction


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Day 21 of Round 3... 

Oh my gosh, I've never felt like this before! I woke up this morning and thought, you know, I'm not craving anything besides nutrients. I feel great. I read most of Food Freedom (ran out of time at the library and will get it again next week if it works out) and kept thinking SOMEDAY I'll be over my addiction (well, I mean not tied to my addiction, really). Today I woke up not thinking of food. It was weird. Is this what a smoker feels when they've kicked the habit? 

You might be wondering so I'll answer- with the food addiction and my lack of good habits, I was up to 50 pounds over my ideal weight for running long distances. (That's about 2 pounds per inch of height + 10 pounds for my body composition.) I'm now down to only 21 pounds over my ideal weight. While that's a whole lot of pressure on my knees and ankles, that's also very much attainable in the losing weight arena. I will get there now that I've conquered the BEAST. 

Food addictions are strange because, unlike smoking, we NEED food, just not all the stuff and the quantities that I've had over the past 20 years. I used to be super healthy. 20 years ago I could do 100 pushups without stopping and completed a 50k without training (actually, I did 2, a year apart). I was a coach and was nicknamed GI Jane, though at the time I thought it was horrible. Now, I wish I could go back to that body! Times have changed. Baby came, marriage, real work, life but that's been 14 years in which I didn't have to lose my edge. I took the wrong road and now I'm struggling to find it again. 

I'm so excited to have persevered enough to get myself back on the healthy food attitude road. Now for the fitness. That's on the way. Thank you to everyone who offers support all the time and especially to Melissa for sharing her knowledge. 

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Congratulations. :)

It IS how a smoker feels when they've kicked the habit.

It is also true that some people can't have "just one bite" or "just one chip" ... just as the smoker who has finally quit can't have "just one cigarette" and the alcoholic can't have "just one drink".

Enjoy your newfound freedom, and don't lose sight of how you achieved it.  

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