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Olive leaf extract and Collidal silver

Taylor Kerby

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I have been rocking a cold for a couple days and I have been wanting to heal myself through Whole30 approved ways, and my friend told me about Olive leaf extract and Collidal Silver. Are these Whole30 approved and would you recommend the tinctures or the pill-caps? 

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I don't know that Whole30 officially addresses it, but I personally wouldn't take colloidal silver without running it by a doctor first -- I don't know how common the side effects are, but they can be bad.

The olive leaf extract itself ought to be okay, but look at all the ingredients in whatever you choose to take.

You might try things like hot tea (there are even teas that are said to help different symptoms like sore throat or cough -- my grocery store has a few, but a health store would have even more options, just again, read the ingredients to be sure they're all compliant), broth/soup, lots of water, extra rest, and healthy meals. Colds usually run their course in a few days regardless of what you do to treat them, so unless you have symptoms that are bothering you enough that you need relief from those particular symptoms, you probably don't have to do anything special. If you feel like your cold is getting worse, or you're not getting over it in a few days, or you have a high fever, you probably need to talk to a doctor to be sure you don't have something more serious going on.

Whatever you do, I hope you feel better soon. 

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