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Throwing away food

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I did my Whole30 in June and I prepared (I knew I was going to do this by January) by cleaning my kitchen through attrition- stocking compliant things to replace non-compliant.  I was mostly good about, but some pasta and fish sticks crept in anyway.  I also figured shelf stable/freezer things could linger until after.  

Now I'm done and have realized I need to strictly limit dairy and gluten.  I gave my mom a bunch of stuff and gave away a lot of sealed items, but I still have food (fish sticks, breadcrumbs, mac and cheese, beer).  I have given my family everything they will take and some of these are open or just not ok to donate (ei: beer).  I'm really struggling with throwing food out, even if it's what I need to do to be healthy in the long-run.  

For those who made lifestyle changes after Whole30- what did you do?  Did you throw food away?

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Yes, throw it out.  Make a donation to a food bank to offset the waste if that makes you feel better but now that you know that you can't eat it and you can't give it away, there's not much left to do but to get rid of it... it feels bad but what's the difference between eating it and it making you feel terrible and throwing it out?  it's still a waste...

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10 hours ago, socaldebbie said:

I heard a saying once that I repeat to myself in such situations: Extra food is already wasted, whether you eat it or not.

And another: you are not a garbage disposal.

Holy cow.  That really hit home.  THANK YOU.

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