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Supplements that are doctor prescribed


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I am new to Whole30, going to officially start on Friday, but a problem has already risen for me. I have multiple chronic illnesses where my body depletes vitamins and minerals faster than most other people. So that means I take a handful of supplements every day. The problem is I would need to buy different brands for some of my supplements that would be over $100 all together. I cannot afford that since I only work part-time. 

I was wondering since I need to take these supplements if that would still go against Whole30 or if because a doctor told me that my body does not get these supplement that it would not count?

Thanks for reading this confusing post.

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Since they are doctor prescribed, keep taking them. 

If I were in this situation, I would probably start researching what options are out there for when you run out of each supplement so that you can get the cleanest possible version of what you need when you have run out and go to replace them.

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14 hours ago, ShannonM816 said:

Since they are doctor prescribed, keep taking them. 

If I were in this situation, I would probably start researching what options are out there for when you run out of each supplement so that you can get the cleanest possible version of what you need when you have run out and go to replace them.

Okay thanks!

I just wanted to double check. 

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