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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
18 hours ago, Carolinek said:

I started today but see I already went off course! After dinner, I wanted a sweet, so I had a RX bar, but then I read that peanut butter is not approved. Of course it was peanut butter.

oh well, tomorrow’s a new day.

Hi Caroline!

Don’t beat yourself up! Start fresh tomorrow!  

Also, since Whole30 is about changing your eating habits, I would recommend trying to not use RX bars to satisfy your sweet tooth, since you’re trying to kill that sugar dragon! If you’re feeling hungry after dinner, try another small portion of protein to help fill you up!

Best of luck and let us know how we can continue to support you!

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Thanks Ashleyparik!  After reading a bit more, I understand that now. Today was much better, and I haven’t felt the need to have something sweet. I actually feel pretty good, and this feels very manageable.

I made sweet potato fries with dinner and I think that satisfied the need for sweets/ carbs for me. 

Looking forward to moving ahead with this!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach
11 hours ago, Carolinek said:

Thanks Ashleyparik!  After reading a bit more, I understand that now. Today was much better, and I haven’t felt the need to have something sweet. I actually feel pretty good, and this feels very manageable.

I made sweet potato fries with dinner and I think that satisfied the need for sweets/ carbs for me. 

Looking forward to moving ahead with this!

That's great! I am so happy to hear it. Yes, this is definitely a learning process, but keep participating in the forum and reading all of the resources that are here for you, and you will sail right through this. If you haven't looked through the resources that are posted here on Whole30.com, I've included for you to check them out below. I have taken screen shots of the resources/ cheat sheets and save them to a Whole30 album on my phone so I can access them easily, whenever I want.

I hope this helps. Keep up the great work! :)


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