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Combining Whole30 with Plant Paradox


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Today is Day 1 of my Whole30. In addition to the Whole30, I am eliminating lectins, following the guidelines of Dr. Steven Gundry in his Plant Paradox book. Anyone else doing this? The biggest challenge that I see at the outset is spices, since chili peppers are on the No list. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I am not familiar with the plant paradox, but the particular items you mentioned are nightshades, and there are people who avoid those who have blogs, and even more general paleo bloggers are often good about labeling nightshade-free recipes so they'll come up in searches, so when you are looking for recipes, try googling whole30 nightshade free. You might also try googling whole30 AIP recipes, which leaves out nightshades and also some other stuff. Even if you need to further modify those recipes for your needs, it should be easier to start with ones that are going to leave out things like peppers and spices made from them.

I would note that if any of this is a big change from how you've been eating and it feels overwhelming at all, you might be better off picking one or the other to start with and giving that two weeks to a month to see how you feel, and then adding in the other if you feel like you aren't seeing the kind of results you were hoping for. Obviously if you know you have food allergies or sensitivities, leave those items out, but sometimes people just decide that if some change in their diet is good, more change must be better, but then end up overwhelmed and don't stick to any of it, so definitely consider what is truly doable for you right now. If you already cook all your meals and especially if you already have some restrictions, this may not be a big change and you may be fine, great, you probably have a pretty good idea of what you're getting into, so go for it. If you don't currently cook all your meals and often depend on takeout or picking up premade stuff at the store, this will be a big change in routine. Just be sure you're taking that into consideration. 


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  • 4 months later...

I wonder. If you are doing this for a specific health reason, you might go all in and try the autoimmune protocol (AIP). I have seen interviews with Dr. Gundry and it seems like he is unaware that there is already a protocol that actually goes further than just trying to remove lectins, for autoimmune sufferers. Truly, if you are attempting a diet to relieve autoimmune symptoms (as many who remove nightshades are doing), trying the AIP is probably going to be a better move. But, if you don't have symptoms you're trying to alleviate, maybe do the Whole30 as is first before deciding to restrict it further. Dr. Gundry comes across as a snake oil salesman, IMO. 

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