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Too full!


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Hi All - 

I posted yesterday about eating enough and we adjusted according to all the great advice! Here's the thing, when following the meal template, it is so hard to eat all the food on my plate. My husband is fine with it and he does add a bit more protein/fat given his size however, I am quite small so is it possible to adjust? I've had no problem with hunger cravings in between each meal save for when I'm stuck in traffic on my way home. Important to note that those aren't real cravings as I quit smoking recently and it's just residual from not having a cigarette. I have larabars in my car to help if I need it but have not had to eat them yet. Below was my breakfast this morning and it was super hard to eat it all to the point where I feel overfull. I feel like I can adjust down a little with keeping the ratio the same. 


I am 5'1, 130 pounds and am not trying to lose weight. In fact, I have no problem if I gain a few healthy pounds from this as the point for me was to get into healthy eating habits and figure out if sugar is contributing to anxiety. Weight loss is a plus but absolutely not a goal. I do not work out right now but plan on kicking it up after week 2. 


Breakfast - 2x hard boiled eggs + half a applegate sausage , 2 cups of green/red pepper, nut butter + banana (I can't cut the banana each morning as my doctor gave me direct orders to keep that in due to a potassium deficiency. He was adamant about this alone but supportive of whole 30. Bananas are not a crutch for sugar for me they are a staple to keep my potassium at it's correct level so it's not a habit thing, it's a medical thing, I have not had fruit outside of the banana and today was the first day I included nut butter to get a fat).

Thank you for any help at slimming down the meals in the right fashion! I am def eating MORE calories than before which is great (I'm not counting I promise - I just know I am because I had bad eating habits before). 

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There's no reason to stuff yourself. The point is to eat until satisfied, so if you're satisfied with a smaller meal then that's fine! Just as we don't all have the same size hands, we probably don't all eat off the same size plate, either. In any given meal at my house, we will typically have at least 3 different types/sizes of plate on our table, based on what each of us prefers... that means that the same size piece of meat would be paired up with a different amount of vegetables depending on which plate I use!

I think the most important part of all of this is to find a good balance proportion-wise (the ratio of protein to carbs to fat) while using portion sizes that work well for you. There are two ways you could start...

1 - Keep making the same size and proportions, and just stop eating when you're ready to stop eating. You can save the rest for later in case you need a snack, add it to lunch, or whatever. After a few days, compare to see how much you've got left over on average to get an idea of how to tweak things and get a better portion size.

2 - Cut everything in half (except the banana) and have a mini-meal on hand for a snack, in case it's needed. Each day, build upward by adding a little at a time until you reach a point where you're feeling satisfied by the portions and able to slide through to the next meal without snacking (on most days, if not all).

Personally, I'd go with the paring down method (as opposed to a quick drop and building back up), but maybe that's just me :D

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Jihanna - you have basically been my coach as you have responded to each post I've made in the past 48 hours. I appreciate it at ton! It was on your suggestion that we adjusted our meals to include a fat in all meals and up the veggie content and remove the fruit snack in the afternoon. We have done that for today and moving on so really really appreciate your hand-holding on this - we needed for sure! 

Thanks again! 

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My pleasure :) I'm definitely not a coach or mod, lol, but I do understand how confusing it can be (especially when looking at recipes that supposedly make a certain number of servings versus how far it'll actually go for my family) in the beginning... ok, and sometimes later on, too! I try to at least read the most of the forums and then often will type responses that never get posted (heh), but when it's something I feel like I really can speak on, I try to share my experiences in hopes that it'll help :)

I'm wishing you both luck! I'm also a little bit jealous, as I've not yet been able to convince my husband that he can live without bread, pasta, and rice for even just 45 days :D 

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